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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-9-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This morning was overcast to start but the sun came out eventually and warmed things up after a chilly start with a temperature of 50 (F) 10 (C)

I couldn’t find any falcons downtown so  headed to Hawkeye (HE) to see if I could find a juvie. As I parked at the YMCA and looked toward the site I spotted a bump on the stack to the northwest of the building. I grabbed my binocs and could see that it was a falcon bump. I then grabbed my camera and took a pic-definitely a falcon tho the distance and lighting made for bad pics. Sooo I grabbed my scope and voila I could definitely say that the vertical feathers and brown coloring on the chest made this a juvenile falcon.

img_0002-juvie img_0003-juvie

A couple minutes later it stooped down into the river gorge on the north side of the Driving Park Bridge (DPB). A minute later it was flying above the Hawkeye plant circling it and then landing on the west side roof-it didn’t have a catch from the stoop.

img_0004-juvie img_0006-juvie-takes-off

Seconds after landing it flew off to the north and didn’t return. Darn, still no ID but yay it hasn’t left the area yet! I stayed about 20 minutes and then returned to downtown finding Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam north corner of OCSR.

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Mr.Handsome started stretching in between looking around his territory for a breakfast bird.

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I was parked on Bragdon St. next to the Radisson Hotel on the east side of the river but I wasn’t alone-also parked were pigeons and gulls on the hotels lower roof.

img_0021-dc-across-the-river-from-prey Click on my pics to see full version

I left DC around 8am to look for Pigott at the Brighton site but she was nowhere to be found so I returned to downtown hoping to find Beauty. No luck in finding the Beautyful one but I did come across DC on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT). He was on the northeast corner of the platform railing looking around for a prey item. I parked in front of City Hall on Fitzhugh St.

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DC stayed there for 45 minutes and then he snuck off the back of the railing to the north going into a stoop and returning less than a minute later with a small package. He did wave hi and bye before leaving! lol

img_0043-hi-folks img_0052-bye-mak img_0053-dc-sneaks-out-the-back

Upon his return he landed on an east side beam just below the large satellite dish. I didn’t have a great angle on him so i drove around to the north end of the alley Montgomery Place next to the Open Door Mission. Back there I could only get silhouette pics because of the position of the sun.

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I left DC to enjoy his meal and took a spin around the city to look for Beauty and once again I had no luck in finding her. I checked the Hawkeye plant one more time but no juvies were around. I ended my watch which featured DC with a splash of juvie thrown in at 9:30am. Keep smiling everyone! 🙂

Click on the links below to view some videos of DC


3 Responses to “Morning watch 9-9-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    That juvie is a big girl 🙂 I’m glad she is staying around.
    And DC was really waving to you-LOL 🙂
    But I always worry when you don’t find our Beauty…..
    I hope you see her tomorrow.

  2. MAK Says:

    Ginny I’m sure Beauty is fine, just wandering. 🙂

  3. Ginny Says:


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