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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-12-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Still soupy outside with high humidity but 5 degrees cooler than yesterday morning at 71 (F) 22 (C) and overcast dark conditions. Rain on its way and a cold front this afternoon/evening promises to wipe out the humid conditions and drop temperatures like a rock

Today I found Beauty straight away perched on her favorite hunting spot on HSBC-the southeast corner.She stayed about 10 minutes, scoping out her potential victims and then she stretched, rousted, (shook her feathers) and flew off to the northwest.

img_0003-beauty img_0009-shake-em-up img_0010-and-shes-off

As I stopped at the east end of the Broad St. Bridge where I could see the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) I spotted a falcon on the northeast corner of the platform railing. When I got over there it looked to be the Beautyful one.


I left her after only a couple minutes to check the Hawkeye plant but found nothing there so I returned to downtownaround 7:30am to find Beauty was gone from the FCT. I did however find a little guy by the name of Dot.Ca, DC for short real low on the lower white section east side. At this time DebbieH came by to say hi. I stayed with DC about 15 minutes when he decided to fly off to the east toward the river.

img_0021-dc-in-lower-white-section-of-fct img_0024-dc1 img_0032-dc-turns-around-again img_0037-ya-put-your-right-foot-in-ya-put-your-right-foot-out

I opted for checking on the Brighton site next but Miss Pigott wasn’t there this morning at around 8:30am. As dark skies were threatening rain I thought I would go back to Hawkeye for a look/see. When I arrived at the YMCA parking lot at the west end of the Driving Park Bridge it started to rain so out came the umbrella to stick out the window in order to keep my camera dry.  And as I scanned the stack and the west side roof I spotted a juvie in a spot on that roof which it seems to favor as I’ve seen it there eating on a couple other occasions.


At first she was just standing there but after a minute or two it became apparent that she had prey underneath her as she started to eat.


She ate for a few minutes then started lifting the prey up to the roofs edge and turned a couple times before resuming eating.

img_0055-juvie-raising-prey img_0056-juvie-with-fresh-catch img_0057-moving-prey-to-edge img_0058-juvie-with-prey

She seemed like she wasn’t happy where she was and sure enough she got her breakfast situated in her talons just right and off she went with it. She started out flying over the river and I thought she would come over by me but she changed her mind and doubled back to the east vanishing behind the building.

img_0062-where-shall-i-go img_0065-ill-go-over-the-river-with-my-catch img_0066-juvie-with-prey-in-talons

I left the YMCA and drove across the bridge to Carthage St. at the east end and found our young juvie on the south side of the platform where the nest box is located. She took off immediately and flew west over the top of the Hawkeye plant out of sight. I wasn’t able to find her again and so went back downtown where I couldn’t find any falcons either thus ending my watch around 9:40am. So I saw our happy downtown couple and our juvie who seems to want to stick around making me smile! 🙂

Click on the links below for more pics and videos to look at



4 Responses to “Morning watch 9-12-13”

  1. Joyce Says:

    After your morning tweets, I thought for sure you would get a pic today of the tape band. Great shots at HE.

  2. MAK Says:

    Nope-crappy conditions and distance was too great. Thanks Joycie! 🙂

  3. Ginny Says:

    I hope you can get an ID on that juvie !! I think it is Voyager though.
    It’s a good hunter to get that nice large prey 🙂
    Loved the pics of Beauty and Dot.ca too and the videos.
    Made me happy 🙂

  4. MAK Says:

    It’s a tough place to get close enough for IDing Ginny but we’ll keep trying! Glad to make you happy!! 🙂

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