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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-17-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Brrr! 37 degrees (F) 3 (C) was the temperature when I stepped out the door this morning at 6:30am for my watch. It was however sunny out which warmed things up nicely by the afternoon

I found Beauty on the top ibeam south corner of OCSR on my way back thru after checking HSBC on the east side. I went over to Main St. by the Radisson Hotel to observe her. She stayed 10-15 minutes then she flew off to the west.

img_0001-beauty1 img_0013-beauty-has-left-the-building

I found Dot.Ca (DC) first on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT)-he was on a beam in the white section below the southeast cube. He flew off and came back around landing on the next beam down from where he was and started eating cached food that was sitting there. It was then that I noticed Beauty up on the northeast cube watching her handsome mate. I stationed myself in the City Hall parking lot at first where I could see DC best and then moved down Fitzhugh St. in front of the Sister Cities parking garage where I could see both falcons.

img_0014-dc1 img_0015-dc img_0023-dc1<DC

Beauty>img_0026-beautyful img_0030-beauty-and-dc

When DC finished eating he started feaking (wiping his beak off) on the beam and walked to the northeast corner directly below Beauty. He then hopped across to a beam further in on the structure.

img_0044-dc-to-ne-end-of-beam img_0045-dc-hops-to-next-beam-over img_0046-dc

While I was watching Beauty, DC snuck off FCT and so I snuck off to check the Hawkeye plant for a juvie-I didn’t find one so I left for the Brighton site (BS) arriving around 8:30am. I was delighted to find Pigott on the west end of the south side vent since it has been quite a few days since I last saw her.

img_0064-hello-pigott Make sure to click on my pics for full version

Within 5 minutes the action picked up as Miss Pigott spotted a tiercel flying in-but not just any tiercel, this one was a juvie. She crouched down in a defensive posture as the juvie flew back and forth above and in front of her. Pigott was not accepting ofย  its presence and many times flew off after it aggressively chasing and hitting it a few times-then she would return to the vent and the process started over again.

img_0083-pigott-watching-juvie-tiercel img_0093-get-lost-junior img_0096-pigott-and-juvie-tiercel img_0097-pigott

The young tiercel also landed on the vent a couple times but was rushed by Pigott and sent packing!

img_0102-juvie-is-cute img_0103-cutie-pie-juvie<All juvie tiercel> img_0105-juvie img_0110-juvie

At one point the tiercel was giving chase and Pigott landed on the roof of the southwest extension a couple times and on a south facing window ledge on the same extension. There was vocalization by one of them as they flew at times-not sure which one or if it was both of them.

img_0108-pigott-watching-juvie img_0109-coming-after-you-little-guyimg_0112-pigott-and-juvie-blurry-oh-crap img_0116-pigott img_0118-pigott

They disappeared to the north (front) side of the building and Pigott returned to the vent while the tiercel flew south and that was the last I saw of it. Pigott remained on the vent until 9am then she flew south and didn’t return. It was a solid 30 minutes of action-phew!

img_0119-pigott-landing<Pigott landing and leaving> img_0121-pretty-pigott

I returned downtown after getting a tweet from Pat that DC was on OCSR-when I got there he was gone. I then checked FCT and found the Beautyful one still on the northeast cube on the back of it sleeping.


I left her to it and checked Hawkeye one more time with no luck again thus ending my busy watch at 10am. Not only did I see all 3 of our resident adult Peregrine Falcons but I got a bonus juvie tiercel as well to keep me smiling! ๐Ÿ™‚

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6 Responses to “Morning watch 9-17-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Hi MAK,
    I was able to read this great report and view the videos from my Kindle!
    The tiercel is ADORABLE!!!!”

  2. Ginny Says:

    And I love Pigott’s big yellow feet!!!!

  3. MAK Says:

    Hi Ginny-hope you’re enjoying your vacation. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. patsy6 Says:

    Great description of the battle, MAK. And it sounds like both Pigott and the juvie tiercel are okay, so that’s good.

  5. MAK Says:

    I wouldn’t exactly call it a battle Pat. Pigott didn’t hit the juvie hard, it was more of a strong suggestion that it wasn’t wanted. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. patsy6 Says:

    Ah, okay, just a “buzz off” slap. That’s good.

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