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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 10-4-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

We had some rain and storms during the night and the sky was overcast making it a very dark morning. The humidity is high and the starting temp was 61 (F) 16 (C)

After checking the east side and coming up empty I stopped on the Broad St. bridge and spotted a falcon on the top ibeam west corner of OCSR. This is usually Beautys’ corner but today it was Dot.Ca (DC) that was perched there. I went down to the hole for a better look at him.

img_0003-dc img_0004-dc

I left him after a few minutes to check the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) for Beauty but she wasn’t there so I left to check Hawkeye. As I was stopped at State St. and the ramp to get on the inner loop the ivy growing on the overpass wall intrigued me as it had many different colors from the same plant. Nature sure can paint a pretty picture!


When I arrived at Hawkeye it was foggy and the mist from the lower falls was pretty thick as well but I could see that there was no falcons in the vicinity or on the building or stack. I proceeded to Seneca Towers where I checked every side of the building but saw no PEFAs adult or juvie. I returned to downtown stopping on the Andrews St. Bridge where I could see DC on the north corner top ibeam and Beauty under the southeast wing of the Times Square building. I drove to Bragdon St. across the river from where DC was for a closer look.


I left after a couple minutes to check out Beauty but she was gone when I got to Times Square. I then went over to City Hall and found her there on the FCT at 8:15am on the top arm northeast side. I parked on Fitzhugh St. to observe her.

img_0015-beauty1 img_0020-beauty img_0021-beauty

I left her to go to the Brighton Site-on the way thru I saw DC was still on OCSR. Arriving at 8:45am once again Miss Pigott was not around for me to see-no worries cuz she’s usually seen at night. Back to downtown I went finding that Beauty wasn’t alone on the top arm of FCT. DC was preening just a couple feet away from her.

img_0027-beauty-and-dc<Click it for full versionimg_0030-bdc img_0031-bdc<Click it for full version

I was parked on Fitzhugh St. in front of City Hall by Church St. I got distracted and missed both Beauty and DC fly off. Beauty landed on the middle arm northeast side and walked over next to the pole but I didn’t find DC until I went to the City Hall parking lot where his location wasn’t blocked from my view. He was on the bottom arm northwest side.

img_0034-beauty-walking-over-to-pole<Click itimg_0035-beauty <B  DC> img_0037-dc img_0039-dc

I stayed with them until 9:45am as they hung  out keeping each other company, thus ending my watch.

img_0041-bdc img_0042-beauty1 img_0045-dc1 img_0046-beautyful1

Keep smiling! 🙂

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2 Responses to “Morning watch 10-4-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Great videos and pics MAK! 🙂
    Thank you!

  2. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Ginny and thanks for commenting! 🙂

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