Morning watch 10-9-13
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
When I checked the local TV weather before heading out they said it was 39 degrees outside-when I got downtown the bank clock said it was 47 degrees. Either way I had to where my gloves this morning for a brisk but sunny start
I found Beauty on the north side of HSBC to start my day-sweet! She was smack dab in the middle and stuck out like a sore thumb. She wasn’t there for long-6 minutes to be exact when she flew northwest.
I caught up with her on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) perched on her favorite northeast cube. I parked on Fitzhugh St. in front of the Sister Cities parking garage to observe the Beautyful one. She was alert and in hunt mode paying close attention to birds below her. At one point she turned around to get a better look at them so I had to go down to the City Hall parking lot to see the front of her.
I left her after almost an hour and headed over to the Brighton Site landing there about 8:30am. I was greeted by both Pigott on the west end of the south side vent and UT (unbanded tiercel) on the slatted window ledge in the bright sunshine.
Pigott had an exceptionally full bulging crop but still was keeping track of the starlings flying around-like she could fit any more down that throat of hers. In between preening, UT was also watching the starlings albeit with his back facing out he had his head on a swivel. Miss Pigott flew off to the southwest after 10 minutes passed and that was the last I saw her.
I got my first UT poop shot when he decided to go to the back corner of the ledge, peek out and then come forward again showing his back to the world. He did some stretching exercises as well including the speed skating maneuver. He’s a very alert little guy except I don’t think he saw Pigott leave as he had his head buried under his wing preening when she left.
I left him around 9:20am to check the Hawkeye and Seneca Towers sites-no luck spotting a falcon at either place. In returning downtown I went to FCT after seeing a dark spot under the platform from the Andrews St. Bridge. It took some work but I finally found both Beauty and DC in amongst the beams very well hidden. They moved around a bit and settled on facing each other from a very short distance.
I ended my watch at 10:15am wondering why DC wasn’t sending UT packing over at Brighton-perhaps he is doing what his father Jack does, spending a few days with Beauty exclusively and then with Pigott a few. And he just hasn’t been in Brighton since UT arrived. All I can say is if we can have 2 pair without any fights I’ll be smiling! 🙂
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