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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 10-13-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was 50 degrees (F) 10 (C) to start my morning watch with a bit of a breeze and sunny

From the east side I spotted Dot.Ca (DC) on the northeast corner of Xerox-as I was looking for a good place to watch from I happened to find Beauty on the 2nd column east of the northwest corner. I tried many different spots but decided the Broad St. bridge gave me the best view of both falcons.

img_0003-dc2 img_0005-beauty img_0008-bdc1

DC flew east at 7:40am and Beauty remained on Xerox. I took a ride around the tallest building in downtown Rochester to see if he landed somewhere else on it but he was not. I did however come across a beauty of a tree.

img_0019-dc-takes-off img_0014-fall img_0025-bb

Beauty left the building around 10 minutes later which I missed but I quickly caught up with her as she was under the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB). I parked in a couple different places before settling on Exchange Blvd. across from the TSB and directly below the Beautyful one.

img_0027-beauty1 img_0030-beauty1 img_0035-hello-up-there img_0040-beauty-on-tsb

There was a bee that kept buzzing Beauty as she surveyed her territory and finally she had enough and flew north at about 8:15am.

img_0051-beauty-and-buzzz<click it img_0054-getting-ready-to-go img_0055-see-ya

I checked the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) and Kodak Office since that’s the direction Beauty flew but I didn’t find her so I headed over to the Brighton Site. Larry had tweeted out that he had a falcon on the northwest corner of the northeast extension. When I arrived just before 9am, I saw the falcon. As I made my way around the building (it’s one way) stopping in the back (south side) of the building where Larry and his dog Harold were having a look on that side. We talked for a few minutes and then they left-so I stationed myself in the east side parking lot to observe the falcon whom I determined was UT (unbanded tiercel).

img_0060-ut img_0065-hi-guy

He did some preening and watching starlings that are usually hanging around for about 20 minutes. UT rousted-shaking loose a white feather and then he spotted something that got his attention. He cranked his neck up and then stooped to the west for the first of 3 stoops he made in the next few minutes.

img_0072-ut-shakes-out-a-feather<Click itimg_0077-ut1 img_0080-stoop-1

UT returned without the goods landing on the northwest corner of the northwest extension and stooped off there moments later coming back once more empty taloned landing back on the northwest corner of the northeast extension. He stayed there only a minute before stooping for a 3rd time around 9:30am to the east and never returned. It was just me and a starling  in a dead pine tree so I left for downtown.

img_0081-stoop-2<Stoop 2 img_0084-stoop-3<Click it for stoop 3  img_0096-starling<Click it

From the City Hall parking lot I could see Beauty with her back to me to the inside of the northeast cube. I went to Church St. by the Hochstein School of Music to see the front of her and was pleasantly surprised  to find DC below her on the northeast side as well. She was sleeping and he had a full crop.

img_0106-sleeping-beauty<Beauty img_0109-dc<DC  img_0112-bdc

DC turned around prompting me to go around to the back of the Open Door Mission at the end of Montgomery Alley to see him. He was half asleep as well so I ended my watch at 10am leaving our downtown pair to rest.

img_0121-dc-half-asleep<DC img_0126-beauty1<Beautyimg_0128-bdc<Click it

I’m still wondering why DC hasn’t been over to BS to drive UT out of that territory but I’m not complaining as UT makes me smile as much as the rest of our Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂






One Response to “Morning watch 10-13-13”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    That sure is one beautiful tree.
    I am less worried about DC going to BS to drive away UT, than the other way around.

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