Morning watch 11-16-13
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Today was a beautiful November day-the temperature was 43 (F) 6 (C) when I stepped out the house with calm winds and clear conditions
I found Beauty on the southeast corner of HSBC around 6:45am. She stooped down the back of the building leaving my field of vision quickly.
As I crossed the Broad St Bridge I saw a falcon fly off from under the northeast wing on the Times Square building heading north. I took a couple runs around town and elected to go to the Brighton Site (BS) after I didn’t find anybody. Pigott was on the west end of the south side vent. She was very busy keeping track of the starlings that nest at the site as they flew above and below her. Oh and being her cute self too!
20 minutes later at 8am Pigott flew out and back to land on the southeast extension roof south side-she was in hunt mode as she seemed to be hiding from the starlings trying to ambush them.
Something peaked her interest as Miss Pigott raised her head and hopped up to the front of the roof and a minute later she flew east out of sight.
I returned downtown to find only the Beautyful one, who was on the northeast cube of the Frontier Communications Tower. When I first found her she was preening with a full crop then she started napping.
She woke up long enough to poop and then back to snoozing. lol
I left her to it and called it a watch at 9:15am. Keep smiling it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to! 🙂
Click on the links below to see videos from my watch—