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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 11-23-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was overcast with a temperature of 30 (F) 1(C) as I stepped out for my morning watch-the sun came out for a little bit towards the end of it.

While I was enroute downtown cam watcher Annette reported a falcon on the Mercury money bag (thanks) by the time I got to the hole it was gone but I did see Beauty up on the top ibeam near the south corner of OCSR. She would stay there until 7:30am when she flew south over the river going into a stoop and leaving my field of vision.

img_0011-beauty1 img_0020-beauty3

I went looking on the east side for the Beautyful one and found that the ice skating rink at Manhattan Square Park was looking ready for business. As I returned to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) I spotted  Beauty up on the Times Square building (TSB) under the northeast wing. She flew off  soon after I arrived in the hole to observe her.


At this point I left for the Brighton site after getting a tweet from Larry that he had a falcon eating on the east side at 8am. We chatted for a few minutes and then Larry left as Pigott finished eating and flew to a south facing window on the northeast extension.

img_0036-pretty-girl-pigott img_0039-pigott img_0044-pigott

After some preening and looking pretty in the sun Pigott waved goodbye and walked to the end of the ledge where I couldn’t see her. I quickly went to where I could see her proving that on this day she could run but she couldn’t hide from old MAK. lol

img_0049-bye img_0052-walking-to-corner img_0053-almost-in-corner-where-you-cant-see-me-mak img_0060-oh-but-i-can-see-you-pigott

Around 8:45am Pigott started vocalizing and then I heard the familiar chirp of a certain male PEFA. Dot.Ca (DC) had arrived and Pigott flew out to greet him before they flew to the west side of the building. As I arrived over there DC was on the front edge of the cubby eechupping and Pigott was on a west side window ledge.

img_0068-come-over-pigott img_0070-dc<DC       Pigott>img_0074-pigott

DC moved into the cubby out of view and while I was tweeting Pigott left-it was very quiet for the next 10 minutes so I assumed they both left. I returned to downtown and while I was on the east side I saw a falcon fly to the northeast corner of Midtown and land. After I found a spot to watch from another flew in from the east above the Midtown bird and then they both flew off out of my view.

img_0077-who-dat img_0078-who-dat

I’m sure it was Beauty and DC for as I made my way to the BSB I found them on the TSB-Beauty was under the southeast wing and DC under the northeast wing.  Beauty had her back to me and DC so I had to go from the hole to the bridge for any kind of profile pic of her.

img_0080-neck-breaker<DC> img_0082-foofer img_0092-beauty1<Beauty>img_0093-clean-those-feathers-girl

DC kept moving around but Beauty stayed put as I also parked in front of the Blue Cross Arena for yet another angle.

img_0097-gonna-get-you-mak<DC>img_0099-all-foofed-up-and-lookin-dapper img_0100-beauty1<Beauty>img_0103-beauty

I left them at 9:45am after a pretty busy watch having seen all 3 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons, thus ending my watch with a smile! 🙂

Click on the links below to see my videos of the day


2 Responses to “Morning watch 11-23-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Love the captions and the pics and videos!
    DC sounds so cute when he chirps 🙂
    LOL-Pigott looked like she was waving goodbye to you!!!
    And Beauty is well just Beauty-ful! ♥
    Thank you my friend!

  2. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Ginny! I agree with everything you said. 🙂

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