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Eyes to the Skies

Morning/afternoon watch 12-2-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Another dark and dreary overcast day here in Rochester,NY but warm with a starting temperature of 37 degrees (F) 3 (C)

My first hour was falconless so I left downtown to check on the Brighton Site (BS) arriving there at 8:10am. Pigott was on the west end of the south side vent looking around her territory. 10 minutes later she took off to the east going into a stoop as she approached the treed area.

img_0003-pigott img_0004-pigott img_0006-pigott img_0011-pigott

Miss Pigott came back and landed on the south side of the southwest extension briefly then flew west then headed toward the front of the building .

img_0013-pigott img_0014-pigott img_0015-pigott

I then heard chupping coming from the cubby but by the time I went around the building to reach the cubby it was quiet. I continued on to the south (back) side of BS and found Pigott on the northwest corner of the southwest extension and Dot.Ca (DC) on the southwest corner of the southwest extension.

img_0017-pigott<Pigott>img_0019-pigott img_0029-pdc<Click it

img_0025-dc2 img_0026-dc img_0027-dc<DC

They didn’t stay put for long when both took flight heading north toward the front of the building with Pigott returning to the southwest extension.

img_0034-pigott img_0036-pigott

She was looking around I assumed for DC but he never rejoined her while I was there. She flew over to the west end of the south side vent and got settled in.

img_0037-pigott img_0038-and-shes-off img_0039-pigott img_0040-pigott

I left at this time to look for Beauty downtown since I hadn’t seen her on my watch yet. Let me tell ya, she was hiding very well on me today as I spent over 2 hours searching in vain for her. i even went to the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge to check the High Falls gorge for her. Unfortunately I got a parking ticket on Bragdon St. while checking the elevator shaft for the Beautyful one-I was gone 1 minute from my car and saw the parking enforcement officer as I turned around but it was too late, he already put my info into his electronic meter. 🙁 I finally had to give up and call it a watch at 11:15am which didn’t set right with me.

So fast forward to the afternoon as I was finishing taking Jeannes’ dogs for a walk I got a tweet from Shaky that there was a falcon on the Frontier Communications Tower. I beat feet to Church St. where I pulled over just in time to ID it as Beauty and then she flew southeast. YAHOO!

img_0001-beauty img_0002-beauty img_0003-beauty-leaves-fct

So I saw all 3 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons today and left for home smiling! 🙂

Click on the links below to view a couple videos


5 Responses to “Morning/afternoon watch 12-2-13”

  1. kathy from toronto Says:

    Glad you finally found Beauty MAK =) I’m sure if you asked her, she’d take care of that parking dude for ya ..lol!

  2. MAK Says:

    Hey that’s a good idea Kathy! 🙂

  3. Ginny Says:

    I’m so glad you found Beauty MAK! I was worried when I heard on your High Falls video she wasn’t around. But I am so sorry you got that parking ticket…..I thought they knew you report for the Rfalconcam group 🙁
    I agree with Kathy…Beauty ought go KAK KAK KAK at him!

  4. MAK Says:

    Ginny, he didn’t know it was my car-once they scan your VIN on the dash of the car it’s too late. He said he was sorry he couldn’t change it once it goes into the system. At least Beauty is ok! 🙂

  5. Ginny Says:

    Yes MAK, that is all that counts that our Beauty is OK! 🙂

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