rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch (2:30-8:45 pm) – 6/5/11

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.


It rained most of the morning and into the afternoon. I joined Dana and Dan at KP and we checked out KP and downtown at different times. All three Rochester Falcons are doing well.

If you’re interested, you can take a look at today’s Watch report at the link above.

Carol P.

2 Responses to “Falcon Watch (2:30-8:45 pm) – 6/5/11”

  1. margaret Says:

    Great Pictures and commentary, Carol. I especially love the shots of A and U with their wings spread for take off!
    They are spending a lot of time in that scrape, and today’s report said they brought food into the scrape?
    Do you think there are young in there?

  2. Carol Says:

    No young at this time Margaret. They are actually eating their meals on the I-Beam above and in front of the scrape, not inside it. Definitely a lot of activity there recently.

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