Morning watch 6-15-14
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Mostly cloudy skies prevailed this morning with a temperature of 55 (F) 13 (C)
As I stopped on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) to start my watch and have a look around I could see Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam south corner of OCSR.
Then I spotted Beauty 1 level above the nest box on a south column of the Times Square building (TSB)-I drove down to the hole at this time to get closer.
Beauty would glance down at the nest box now and again while she looked around for a prey bird to fly thru. She kept track of DC as well waiting for him to possibly catch breakfast so she could feed their family of 4.
Just before 7am DC switched corners and flew to the west corner top ibeam of OCSR-I mistakenly tweeted out that he went to the south corner at the time. I missed Beauty leave Times Square while watching him.
I went in search of the Beautyful one when she didn’t come back. When I returned to the BSB she was on the base of Mercury and DC was gone from OCSR. I stopped by the Blue Cross Arena to watch Beauty from there just before the 8 o’clock hour
5 minutes later Beauty flew northwest and DC showed up on OCSR top ibeam south corner a minute later. I thought perhaps there had been a food exchange between them but Beauty never returned. I went down to the hole for closer viewing of DC
I took a drive after about 10 minutes but couldn’t find Beauty-I believe she was probably on the hunt somewhere I don’t know about. No worries, as DC was watching their 4 not so little anymore darlings in the nest box. I ended my watch on that note, around 8:30am.
As I pulled onto Exchange Blvd. which changes into State St. when you cross Main St. I could see the right lanes on both Main and State streets were closed with cones blocking them. Police were blocking all side streets along the route as well, which was more than likely for some kind of running event to take place. Happy Fathers Day and keep smiling! 🙂
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