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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 12-20-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Gray, overcast and calm with a temperature of 28 (F) -2 (C)

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The first place I checked this morning was the OCSR elevator shaft expecting to see Dot.ca (DC). If he was up in there I didn’t notice him from the Radisson Hotel by Main St. What I did notice was a falcon with its back to me on the top ibeam south corner of OCSR. I drove over to the hole parking lot to see that it was Beauty and she was looking in my direction.

img_0006-good-morning-beautyful img_0001-beauty1

About 10 minutes later Beauty flew to the east out of view and when she came back into view I saw her fly up into the elevator shaft. I believe this was her wake up call for DC to come out and start the day. When I arrived back at the Radisson Hotel she was way back in on the north side ledge of the elevator shaft. Beauty then came forward where I could see her much better and it was obvious to me that she was looking across at DC.

img_0008-beauty-is-off-in-a-blur img_0009-beauty3 img_0012-beauty-looking-across-at-dc img_0014-beauty2

After a couple minutes the Beautyful one flew out and around to the south corner top ibeam of OCSR again around 8am. I drove to Bragdon Place where I could see the south side ledge of the elevator shaft and there he was in all his glory-DC with his back to me.

img_0017-beauty-back-to-the-south-corner 851408466_16710681 img_0020-dc3

I couldn’t resist making that pic above festive! I decided to go back by Main St. where I could keep track of Beauty and the elevator shaft for when DC might come out to join us. On the way I stopped to take a pic of a window on Main St. at St. Paul St.


While I did this Beauty flew to the Mercury money bag (MMB) so I returned to the hole parking lot to watch her. Less than 5 minutes later I spotted DC flying north toward OCSR-after he checked out Beauty on Mercury he went to the top ibeam near the south corner (a very popular place in the morning lately).

img_0028-beauty1 img_0031-dc2

I started to tape a video of DC but he flew off just as I got started to replace Beauty on the MMB as she had stooped to the east right around 8:30am.

img_0039-dc img_0043-dc-contemplating-his-next-move img_0053-dc img_0060-dc-rousing

DC stayed up there for a while stretching, scratching and keeping watch over the territory while Beauty was most likely off somewhere hunting. The last pic below was too dark so I gave it a little color. lol

img_0061-dc-stretching img_0064-dc img_0065-falcon-power img_0068-a-dc-of-a-different-color

I left to look for Beauty with no luck and when I returned DC was gone of course. I made a final search but couldn’t find them. I did find this pretty wreath tho.


I left downtown around 9:30am and didn’t find any falcons at Seneca Towers for the 4th day in a row. That’s ok, I’ve gone that long and longer without seeing Billie and 99. They’ll turn up eventually and make me smile! 🙂

Click on the links below to see todays videos







2 Responses to “Morning watch 12-20-14”

  1. Margaret Says:

    You know their ways well! Nice report!

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Margaret! 🙂

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