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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 1-28-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

When I got up today it was 2 (F) and when I walked out the door it was 7 (F) -14 (C) degrees-the sun was shining with bright blue skies

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I didn’t see any falcons at Seneca Towers this morning when I left or when I returned home from my downtown watch. I found Beauty on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR from the Broad St. bridge after checking the OCSR elevator shaft and finding nobody up in there. I first went to Bank Place and Aqueduct St. in the hole to check her out.


When she turned her back to me I went over to the Radisson Hotel by Main St. for a better angle on the Beautyful one.


I still wasn’t happy so I drove over to Graves St across from OCSR and next to Aqueduct Park for a view from below. I arrived just in time for a pooperazzi shot! lol

img_0011-pooperazzi-strikes-again img_0015-beauty1 img_0017-a-feather-in-her-beak

I expected Beauty to take off after that but she had other ideas, as in preening and pulling little white down feathers from herself. This went on for most of the rest of my watch as she was really doing a bang up job of preening in the sweet sunshine.

img_0021-a-whole-lotta-preening-going-on img_0022-beauty img_0038-beauty

Around 8am I decided to look for Dot.ca (DC) and I didn’t have to go too far. I checked the north side ledge of the OCSR elevator shaft first, then down to Bragdon Place to check the north side ledge where I found him. I had to park up the hill further than I usually do to keep track of Beauty over on the top ibeam as well.

img_0050-location-shot-from-bragdon-place img_0040-dc2 img_0047-beauty-from-bragdon-place

The cold temperatures really messed with my camera today making it hard to stay focused so not too many pics good enough to post but that’s ok you get the picture right!? lol I left them to resting and preening as my feet were frozen thus ending my watch early at around 8:45am, but I was still smiling as I drove off! 🙂

Click on the links below to view today’s videos


2 Responses to “Morning watch 1-28-15”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    COLD is the word of the day, both there and here..You win the award for bravery in the face of hardship..Thank you for your tenacity in reporting the doings of our favorite falcons.. Smiles ,indeed MAK.

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks for your much enjoyed and appreciated comments June! 🙂

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