rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-26-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

I have one word to describe the Beautyful one this morning…BUSY! I first found her in the semi-darkness next to the main cam.


Less than 5 minutes later she was gone. I just happened to spot her flying across in front of the Times Square building when I was checking the nestbox area with my binocs. She flew down Exchange St. heading south and then I lost her behind the Blue Cross Arena. I thought she might have gone to the jail tower since that was the general direction she was headed and so I drove up to a spot on the Broad St. bridge where I could see it. Sure enough there was the bump of a falcon on the north side and just as I put the truck in gear to head over there it was off and flying toward me. Over the river and past me flying due east. I could tell it was Beauty by the size and so I drove to HSBC where I found her on the northwest corner.


She flew off almost as soon as I found her going to the west toward the river.  Back to the bridge I went spotting her next on the top ibeam west corner of the OCSR building.

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The Beautyful one stayed there for half hour and let me catch my breath. Suddenly she dropped off the back of the building.

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5 minutes later she returned to OCSR same spot. 5 minutes after that she flew off again flying across directly in front of me above the parking lot by Aqueduct St. where I was parked and behind the Times Square building out of view.

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Beauty flew back to the same spot on OCSR once again staying put this time for about 10 minutes before she was off again around 8:00am only to return 5 minutes later to OCSR where I observed her for the remainder of my watch.


Some 25 minutes or so later I said goodbye and headed home. Beauty did very little preening this morning she was either looking around for prey or maybe flying off to protect her territory or looking for Archer. Perhaps a little of all three but she was a girl on the move and kept this watcher BUSY! I won’t be doing an early morning watch tomorrow as I have an 8:00am pre-test appointment for the first of my upcoming knee replacement surgeries. I have included a link at the end of my report for an album of Unity from last night at KP with Joyce,Brian and CarolP. Enjoy and keep smiling! 🙂


6 Responses to “Morning watch 9-26-11”

  1. margaret Says:

    Good report and GOOD LUCK with your knee surgery!

  2. mkurtz Says:

    Thank you Margaret! 🙂

  3. ginny Says:

    Good luck tomorrow MAK!! 🙂

  4. mkurtz Says:

    Thanks Ginny! 🙂

  5. Kris G. Says:

    Two thumbs up, MAK! One- for the report and great pics and two- for going ahead with the replacements! 🙂

  6. mkurtz Says:

    Thanks Kris! I’m a bit apprehensive about the knee replacements but I don’t want to be held back from doing things because of my knees anymore. After all I’m not getting any younger! 🙂

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