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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch 9-19-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was cloudy with a breeze and a temperature of 65 (F) 18 (C)

Just as I opened my window at the north end of Seneca Towers I heard Seth start chirping from his spot on the top window ledge. He was announcing the arrival of his mate Billie as she flew in and landed on the northwest corner. She answered him back with a few syllables of her own and less than a minute later she flew off while I was tweeting.


Seth started preening after Billie left and I went out to Seth Green Dr. to look for her. Just as I made the U-turn I saw her land on the top south window ledge.



She settled in so I left for downtown. From the Andrews St. bridge I could see Beauty over on the northeast cube of the Frontier Communications tower (FCT).


I drove over to the Hochstein School of Music parking lot for the best angle as she spread her wings to air out for about half a minute.


At 7:40am the Beautyful one moved over  from the corner and got settled. I shared space with her for 10 more minutes then I left to look for Dot.ca (DC).


I found DC on the north side arch of Kodak Office. He was doing some serious preening  as he is in a molt and was pulling out little white down feathers that would float away in the breeze.


DC didn’t act like he was going anywhere so I left him to it and set out for the Medley Centre mall in Irondequoit. There were lots of birds all over the property because there was not a falcon to be found. I checked the gull by Target that Big Frank had eating yesterday and found that there was no meat left on the carcass. I stayed about 20 minutes then left for home. When I arrived on Seth Green Dr. Billie was on the southwest end of the roof-she flew off as I pulled over and went down to the northwest corner.


She had a nice full crop and took off after less than a minute while I was tweeting. That would be the second time she did that to me this morning. lol It was 9am and time to call it a watch after seeing our 4 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons leaving me with a smile on my face! 🙂

As always, click on the links below to see today’s videos




4 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch 9-19-15”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    And a goo-o-od morning to you. Thanks for the happy rounds.. June

  2. MAK Says:

    My pleasure June! 🙂

  3. patsy6 Says:

    Big Frank(ie) did that to me today, MAK; took off just as I arrived. And she would be the only falcon I actually saw today. At least I have your wonderful pictures of the others!

  4. MAK Says:

    They can be frustrating at times Pat! 😉

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