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Eyes to the Skies

Last day of summer Morning Falcon Watch 9-20-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The sun kept peeking in and out from behind lots of clouds in the sky this morning with a chilly 54 (F) 12 (C) degrees

I started my watch at 7am on this last day of summer with Seth in his favorite spot on the top north window ledge and when I went out to the south end of the building Billie was on that top window ledge. I went out to St. Paul St. to check her out and then I drove over to East Ridge Rd. to get a different view of Seth.


When I arrived on the Andrews St. bridge I spotted a falcon on the top east side railing of the Powers building that I thought was Beauty until I drove to Corinthian St. for a much closer look. From there I could see that it was Dot.ca (DC).


I spent about a half hour with Mr.Clean and then I looked for the Beautyful one. I found her over on the southwest cube of the Frontier Communications tower. I guess she wanted a different view as this is diaganol to her favorite, the northeast cube. Since it wasn’t a work day I was able to park in the Frontier parking lot for the best angle on her.


I shared space with Beauty for a half hour as well and then I checked to see that DC was still on the Powers building before leaving for the Medley Centre mall in Irondequoit. Big Frank didn’t show up in the 25 minutes I was there. There were Canada Geese in different areas of the parking lot and it made me wonder if she had ever caught one of them since she has taken down an adult Mallard duck and a gull.


Anyway, I went home to Seneca Towers where I found Billie and Seth on the south top window ledge facing each other and catching some sun rays. I observed them from St. Paul St.


While I was taping them Seth flew off to the southeast as Billie watched him. Just as I ended my watch at 9am he returned and they exchanged a few words as he landed.


I smiled as I pulled away because I saw all of our resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons and they were safe and sound! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos





3 Responses to “Last day of summer Morning Falcon Watch 9-20-15”

  1. MAK Says:

    A friend of mine corrected me about the last day of summer-it wasn’t yesterday it’s Tuesday, as Wednesday is the fall equinox. I heard on the radio yesterday that it was the last day of summer so I went with it. 🙂

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Enjoy your two day reprieve 🙂

  3. MAK Says:

    Thanks Alison, I will! 🙂

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