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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch 1-28-16

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was mostly cloudy and windy with a temperature of  29 (F) -2 (C) and light snow falling. As I stepped out of my apartment to wait for the elevator I noticed a pretty eastern sky as the sun was about to come up on the horizon.


It felt good to get back in the saddle again after nearly 2 weeks away with the flu. My bird buddies, Billie and Seth were waiting for me as I pulled over in my spot on East Ridge Rd. They were on each end of the north window ledge of Seneca Towers (ST) gazing at each other.


I left them after a few minutes as I had seen them a couple times while I was sick at home-I wanted to get downtown to see Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) whom I had not seen since January 16th. As I pulled over on the Andrews St. bridge (ASB) I spotted the Beautyful one with her back to me on the top I-beam northwest side. A spot I often see her early in the morning.


I drove over to State St. for closer viewing and to see the front of her but as luck would have it she had turned away from that side so I was still looking at her back-not that her back isn’t beautyful. Luckily, she turned her head now and again so I could see her face.


I left her to look for DC but had no luck finding him so I returned to hang out with Beauty. She stretched once and started preening before I left her again around 8:15am to search for DC one more time.


Some time between my first and 2nd check of the OCSR elevator shaft DC managed to sneak in there without me seeing him, for he was on the south side ledge when I checked from Bragdon Place. He too had his back to me but I managed to get a couple pics of him showing his whiteness.


I left downtown around 8:45am leaving both Beauty and DC on OCSR. I saw no birds of any kind at the Medley Centre when I checked there and when I got home to Seneca Towers neither Billie nor Seth were home. Below are a couple pics of the Genesee River gorge where Billie and Seth hunt and hang out from the west balcony on my 16th floor.

img_0002-river-half-frozenimg_0004-half-frozenimg_0005-under-veterans-memorial-bridge <Click for full version

I ended my watch with a big smile at about 9:30am after seeing our two bonded pair of Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

Click on the link below to see today’s snippets


10 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch 1-28-16”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    It’s good to have you back, MAK. Those are really nice pictures of the gorge.

  2. Pa Gal Says:

    So happy to hear that you’re feeling better, Mak! Thanks for getting out today and reporting for us.

  3. Annie Says:

    Welcome back, MAK. It is good to have a report from you again and what a beautiful sunrise to start your day. Glad that you are out and about. Thank you.

  4. MAK Says:

    Thanks Pat-it’s a really nice gorge to take pics of!! 🙂

  5. MAK Says:

    Pa Gal-I’m very happy to be able to go out and report on our beloved falcons. 🙂

  6. MAK Says:

    Annie, it was a beautiful sky to start my day and I was very happy to be out and about! 🙂

  7. Lynne Heroux Says:

    Glad your feeling better !!

  8. MAK Says:

    Thanks Lynn! 🙂

  9. TapperGal Says:

    Glad you are back and feeling better.Missed your “watches” i must say,you have some beautiful views from the balcony’s,Thanks for the falcon pictures,they look great.

  10. MAK Says:

    Thanks Diane! Happy to be back on falcon duty!! 🙂

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