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Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Morning Falcon Watch – Sleeping Beauty! – 8/13/17

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning with temps in the 60’s when I arrived downtown.  The sun was shining and Frank Sinatra was crooning “I Did it My Way” on my radio.  After receiving some bad news this week, I really needed a couple of relaxing hours searching for our downtown falcons, and that’s what I got.

I found an adult falcon on the Frontier Communication Tower (FCT), in the red section below the platform.  It was facing north and at first I thought it was Dot.ca.


Eventually, the falcon turned to the right and walked towards the east side.


Finally a front view.  It was Beauty!  I found a parking spot in front of Rochester’s City Hall that gave me a better view.

4-beauty-on-fct-8-13-175-beauty-on-fct-8-13-176-beauty-on-fct-8-13-17<— Beauty on FCT.

Beauty was snoozing in the morning sunshine.  I left her to search for Dot.ca.

I drove all over downtown, looking for him.  Even checking the OCSR elevator shaft.  Sorry to say, I could not find him.

I returned to the Frontier Communication Tower and found Beauty in the same spot I left her.  After about a 1/2 hour of watching her sleep, it was time to move on.  On my way out of downtown, I checked all sides of the Kodak Tower, hoping to find Dot.ca there.  No such luck.  While searching for one tiercel, I found another tiercel’s favorite spot to hunt from.  So many good memories here.

7-kavers-favorite-spot-lilys-8-13-17-2 —> Kaver’s favorite hunting spot.  The lilies on top of the Kodak Tower.

On my way home, I checked out the following areas; Medley Ctr (and the surrounding area), Seneca Towers (from Maplewood Park) and the east end of Kodak Park.  I saw no falcons at any of those locations.  It was time to head home.  🙂

2 Responses to “Sunday Morning Falcon Watch – Sleeping Beauty! – 8/13/17”

  1. WLABarb Says:

    So glad you got out for some “PEFA Therapy, ” Carol! As always, thank you for your report and photos. It did look like a beautiful day in Rochester.

    I hope your bad news turns into better news.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Barb.

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