Falcon watch 6-9-12
By Rochester falcon watcher MAK
My watch today started in Brighton (BS) with Eileen(Dumpsterkitty) who stayed with me while she was in town the last couple days. She was hoping to meet Miss Pigott but she was nowhere to be found. We then searched downtown for Beauty as Dot.Ca (DC) was on the eggs but couldn’t locate her either. So we decided to check out the Irondequoit Bay for Bald Eagles and such. Bingo! I spotted an adult flying above the nest area and Eileen confirmed that it had nesting material in it’s talons. We lost it in the dense foliage where they have their nest. We didn’t see anything else of big interest so we left to check KP.
Arriving around 1:00pm we could find no pefas at KP the sight of Unity and Archer last year. However we were treated to a show by a male American Kestrel who was hovering above the tall grass. He caught what looked like a mouse after disappearing into the grasses and flying back out with it. He proceeded to land on a wire and then took off to the south with his treasure.
We then made our way back to BS and this time Eileen got to meet Miss Pigott. Joyce was there when we arrived and Pigott was on a window ledge below the roof tree.
She then flew to another window ledge before DC came flying in. Pigott started whining as DC landed on the east corner below the roof tree.
Pigott flew off to the west side of the building and KathyO followed her over to the west corner near the scrape. Lisa joined us for a brief visit. DC was chirping and he soon left to fly over to Pigott and mate with her. Into the scrape he went chirping and chupping as she remained on her corner whining. We all missed that except for Kathy who had followed Pigott over to the west side. Pigott then flew off whining and came back going into the scrape as DC left it and perched on the corner she just left. Pigott then started echupping. DC flew around a couple times before departing for downtown where he took over egg incubating duties from Beauty. Lisa left as Joyce,KathyO,Eileen and I took off for downtown. As we arrived on the Broad St. bridge the Beautyful one was on the top ibeam southeast side of the OCSR.
That’s about all she wrote for this watch. Eileen left to go home having had a busy couple days. She saw many falcons in Canada and 3 here in Rochester of which had her smiling a lot! 🙂