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Eyes to the Skies

Yet Another Beautiful Weekend of Falcon Watching – 6/9&10/12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Date : 6/9 & 10/12 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: Multiple Times
Weather: 70’s yesterday & and high 80’s today. A mixture of sunshine and clouds and rain.
Watchers: Brian H, Larry O, Dana, Lou, Joyce, MAK, Ei, Lisa McK, Kathy O, and Carol P.
Places: Downtown Rochester (Times Square Nestsite) (TS), Brighton Site (BS) and Kodak Park (KP)
Peregrines Seen: Beauty (at TSB), Dot.ca (at TSB & BS), Pigott (at BS) and KPT or KP Tiercel (at KP)
Beauty = B (Adult Female at TSB)
Dot.ca = DC (Adult Male at TSB and BS)
Pigott = P (the female falcon formerly known as SA or Sub Adult at BS Location)
KP Tiercel = KPT (Male Sub-adult at Kodak Park/KP – Not ID’d yet, but black/black band)
Times Square Bldg = TSB
Brighton Site = BS
Broad St Bridge = BSB
Old Changing Scenes Restaurant = OCSR
Kodak Park aka Eastman Business Park = KP

Many Rochester Falcon Watchers were out this weekend, including our guest Watcher Ei. It was great having her visit again.

Over the weekend all of the Rochester Falcons were seen, Beauty, Dot.ca, Pigott and KPT.

The weather was very summerlike. Today the temps got up into the high 80’s (F) and tomorrow will be even hotter with temps in the 90’s. In this warm weather, the falcons tend not to be too active during the hot afternoon. Sometimes the Peregrines are way smarter than their human Watchers. 🙂

Last night and tonight I decided to check out Kodak Park. Both evenings, KPT was seen hunting from the chute that attached to the left side of the east smokestack. He spends a lot of his time on the east stack.

Tonight it was Joyce’s turn to yell out, “is that a falcon!” Well, yes it was! KPT flew in from the east and landed on the chute. He took off and landed on the railing of the red door on the east stack. Later he came off of the stack and headed towards us and over the woods to the west of us. KPT returned empty taloned to the arm above the lower catwalk on the east stack. As the sun was setting and it cooled down just a bit and he was quite active.

The evening was beautiful and warm. Almost perfect except for the June Bugs buzzing about. Dana, Lou, Brian H, Joyce, Lisa McK and I had our lawn chairs lined up and the scope was focused on the KPT. Everyone took turns taking a look. We entertained ourselves by telling stories of what Kodak was like back when they were doing well. One of my best memories was of all the great food and baked goods that used to be made there. Lou said they had the best Carrot Cake anywhere! Brian used to bowl at the bowling alley’s at Kodak Park when he was in school. He and his friends would then go up to the cafeteria to enjoy the wonderful meals they would serve. I remember the delish cinnamon rolls. They would melt in your mouth! Ah, the good ole days. 🙂

It soon became too dark to see much and it was finally time to head home. I do enjoy my weekend Watches. Remember to keep your eyes to the sky, but make sure you have sunglasses on. That sun can be mighty bright up there!

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