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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 7-15-12

By Rochester falcon Watcher MAK

Well my friend Linn was too tired to drive me home last night so she said take my car and go watch falcons in the morning if you want to. Just say the word girlfriend…morning falcon watch. Oh sorry that’s 3 words! lol Ok so upon arriving on the Broad St. Bridge(BSB) it was my good fortune to see LarryO standing on the sidewalk. He stayed long enough for  both of us to see Beauty on the front ledge of the nest box with her back to us and little Orion flap his little wings in front of mommy.


After Larry left I took a drive around the city looking for Dot.Ca(DC) and then made my way over to the Brighton site(BS) when I didn’t find him. It was my mission today to find our wandering tiercel for he hadn’t been seen since Friday night around 6:00pm by Ezsha(EZ). I drove around the building slowly stopping at the usual spotting spots. Did I just say spotting spots?! lol TRANSLATION:The places we watchers pull over to have a look with our binocs. Phew! So I drove around the building once and saw nothing. My next trip I went even slower and bingo I caught a tail hanging off a ledge tucked into  a corner on the west side. I stopped the car grabbed my camera and then he showed me the rest of him-it was DC! And before I could snap off a pic Miss Pigott came into view on the same ledge to the right of him.

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Pigott flew out around to the back of the building, cut back and stooped on a starling. She missed and flew to the west corner of the vent on the north side of the building. Soon after DC flew out of the hiding spot and flew to the front northeast corner of the building.

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He spent some time preening and she spent her time looking for the next meal. 30 minutes passed before Pigott flew off landing on the southeast corner above where the rooftop tree grows. She was whining and soon after DC left flying south out of view. She then flew to the west side landing on the roof above the scrape toward the west end. I heard her echup a couple times and then suddenlyDC appeared from the east. She took off and flew with him to the back of the building out of view. I found Miss Pigott back on the west corner of the vent back there.

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I had to get going but before I left a male American Goldfinch flew in and landed on the corner of the lower brick building. On the wayI stopped by the BSB to see if maybe DC came to see his family. I didn’t find him but I saw the Beautyful one facing me with that gorgeous salmon colored chest perched on the front ledge of the nest box!


A great way to end a watch and keep me smiling for a long time! 🙂

Click on the link below for more pics from todays watch


3 Responses to “Morning watch 7-15-12”

  1. Lola Says:

    Thanks for the report and pictures !!

  2. Alison Says:

    Hooray for Linn, whose weariness and generosity with her vehicle enabled this great report.

  3. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Lola and you got that right Alison. I have the best friends! 🙂

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