rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Beauty Accepts Archer’s Offering – Sunday – 4/11/10

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I spent a few hours watching Archer and Beauty on Sunday.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and they were quite active.  Twice on Sunday, Archer hunted successfully and brought in food for Beauty while she remained at the nestbox guarding the eggs. 

The first time Archer brought in prey and prepared it on top of the Times Square bldg.  When he finished, Archer flew down to the nestbox and Beauty accepted his offer.  She flew over to the Wilder Bldg across the street to enjoy her meal while Archer remained at the nestbox.

The 2nd time was early afternoon.  Archer flew in with prey and landed on top of the Times Square bldg, this time at the NW wing.  Archer had barely landed when a very vocal Beauty flew out of the nestbox and landed next to him.  Well, you can see what happened in this video. 

I apologize for the jumpiness of the video.  My next camera will have image stabilization.  🙂



4 Responses to “Beauty Accepts Archer’s Offering – Sunday – 4/11/10”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    You camera did a great job in picking up their vocalizations! Thank you for sharing it with us 🙂

  2. Margaret Says:

    Great video clip, Carol! Thank you!

  3. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Wonderful. Archer is providing for her like a pro, just like his granddaddy used to.

  4. mary Says:

    Ahhh, the sweet, if not somewhat screech, sound of peregrines in Spring. And their sight, and their flight, and their courtship rituals as well. True love. THANKS, Carol P!

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