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Eyes to the Skies

All 3 Rochester Falcons Settled Down for a Long Winter Nap! – 1/3/13 – Falcons Seen Today: Beauty, Pigott & BST

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Today started out in the low teens and by the time I got out of work and made my way downtown before 4:00 pm, it was 30 degrees (F).  Lake affect snow had been falling on and off throughout the day, but thankfully there was little accumulation.    Not like yesterday when I came out to find my car covered with a few inches of fluffy stuff.

Here are my tweets from today:

4:20 pm – “DT. Beauty is already tucked into the OCSR elevator shaft on the north ledge. Hard to see her. Nite Ms B.”

4:40 pm – “BS. When I 1st arrived one falcon on NE corner. By the time I went around bldg saw pefa flew to nite roost east end north side. P or BST?” – It was Pigott.

4:50 pm – “BS. P&BST here at nite roost. P on top window and BST 2 below. All 3 seen.”

5:00 pm – “DT. B off Mercury. Back iu the elevator shaft. This time south ledge. All 3 settled in for a long winters nap!”

Shaky left the following message on RfalconcamNow at 4:30 pm while I was at the BS location:

“Beauty is on Mercury.”


After arriving downtown a little before 4:00 pm, I made my rounds to see if I could find Ms Beauty.  She wasn’t in any of her normal spots, so I headed over to the OCSR area to take a look up into the elevator shaft and there she was.  Beauty was on the north side ledge this time.

Beauty in the OCSR Elevator Shaft on the north side ledge. - 1/3/13*





She was tucked in tight to the back of the ledge and it was really hard to see her.  I figured she was there for the evening since it was already starting to get dark.  So, I said goodnight to Beauty and  off to the BS location I went.  Daylight was at a premium!

As I pulled up to the front of the BS location, I immediately spotted a falcon up on the NE corner of the building.  At first I wasn’t sure if it was Pigott or BST, but I am pretty sure it was Pigott.  I drove around the building hoping to find BST.

Pigott on NE corner of BS location. 1/3/13*





As I drove back around towards the front of the building on the east end, I saw a smaller falcon swoop in from the east and disappear from my view on the north side of the building.  When I got to the front (north side) of the building, I spotted a falcon sitting on the top window of the area that we know is their nighttime roost.

Pigott on the top window of nighttime roost at BS - 1/3/13*





Driving just a bit further west and I was able to see that BST had indeed arrived and was on the window two down from Pigott’s location.

BST at nighttime roost at BS location - 1/3/13 Pigott (top) & BST (bottom) at nighttime roost at BS location. - 1/3/13*





So I was able to find all three current Rochester Falcons this evening, all tucked in for the evening.  Or were they?

While I was watching Pigott & BST, I received a tweet from Shaky, using the RfalconcamNow alert to the Watchers.  Beauty was on the Mercury statue.  Hmmmm, seems she wasn’t ready for her long winter nap just yet.  lol 🙂  It was almost 5:00 pm and already dark, so I headed home, via downtown Rochester.

Beauty was gone from the Mercury statue, so I check the elevator shaft one more time.  For the 2nd time this evening, I found her up inside the elevator shaft, but this time she was on the south ledge.  The snow was starting to fall again, lightly, so it was really hard to see her, but she was there.  This time I hoped she had her kerchief on and was settled in for the evening.  It was time for me to head home!

Beauty in OCSR elevator shaft south ledge - 1/3/13*





I’m going to leave you with a classic picture of Mariah & Kaver feeding 5 young eyases.  Some times they had to double team to get them fed.  Well, Kaver thought he had to help and Mariah let him even though she had it all under control. 🙂  Kaver was well known for bringing in birds of the blue persuasion.  This was not this Blue Jay’s lucky day.

Remember to double click on any pictures you would like to see in a larger format.  Thanks!

Mariah & Kaver Feeding 5 Eyases

4 Responses to “All 3 Rochester Falcons Settled Down for a Long Winter Nap! – 1/3/13 – Falcons Seen Today: Beauty, Pigott & BST”

  1. bc Says:

    sure its a jay? I don’t see any white but there does seem some reddish color where the breast color would be I’d have guessed bluebird.

  2. Barb W. in L.A. Says:

    Hope the Pefas find adequate shelter on this blustery day. Thanks for the report, Carol!

  3. margaret Says:

    If there were five, that had to be the year of Quest, and Diamante, and Seneca? 2008?
    Classic pic.

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks for the comments bc, Barb and Margaret.

    Margaret – There were multiple years that there were 5 eyases in the nest box. With Mariah and Kaver it was always a very buys nest box. I believe this was pre-2006.

    bc – Pretty sure it was a blue jay, but we did see Kaver bring in an Indigo Bunting once. Like I said, he loved his blue colored birds!

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