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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 1-24-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Rochester was a coldย  snowy place this morning. Lightly coming down when I left for downtown, within 3 or 4 minutes a lake effect snow squall moved in and turned the air white so you couldn’t see the Kodak Tower.

img_6796-snowy-morning-in-rochester Click the pic for a full version

From the Broad St. I could just make out the shape of a falcon on the south corner top ibeam of OCSR. I drove down to Graves St. by Aqueduct Park (where the crime of the century was thwarted yesterday :)) for a better view. I was really surprised the pics of Beauty up there in the snow came out as well as they did.

img_6785-beauty-before-snow-squall-in-the-semi-darkness<Beauty before lake snow moved in and after> img_6786-beauty-in-snow-squall

I decided to move over to Main St. by the Radisson Hotel for that angle showing the Beautyful one in a whole new light.


I spent a total of 13 minutes with Beauty when she stooped off the building to the south down into the river between the Main and Broad St. bridges. Immediately the Aqueduct pigeons came up into view with our girl right on their tail feathers. They flew over the Broad St. Bridge and poof they vanished into the darkness and snow. That was the last I saw Beauty as I drove around to find her – I wish I could find her secret place that she goes to when we can’t find her. While on the east side I took a couple pics to give you a feel for the snowy scenario.

img_6819-east-side img_6820-east-side-of-hsbc

I was Brighton bound to see what I could see over there. As I approached I could totally see Pigott on the northwest corner of the building. I parked right in front of the building where I was out of the way of all the park and ride people coming in to catch their bus and clicked on my hazard lights.


Miss Pigott didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the big fat snow flakes that were trying to cover her. She was looking in every direction and preening on and off.


Pigott flew off the building at one point and circled around it only to return to the same spot. I missed the take off but I caught the landing.


I have to wonder if she was looking for her winter friend BST who was a no show in the hour that I spent at this site.I needed to get going but on the way I stopped on Exchange Blvd. by the river and Cornhill like yesterday to take a comparison picture.

img_6779-taken-near-cornhill-and-the-river-on-exchange-st1<Yesterday— Today>img_6816-same-pic-as-yesterday-snowing-today Click on them for a full view

One last snowy photo as I was stopped at the traffic light at Exchange and Court St. before I made one last trip around downtown to find Beauty.


I didn’t find herย  thus ending my watch about 10:10am. Call me crazy but a good snow squall always makes me smile! ๐Ÿ™‚

Links for 3 videos have been provided below for your viewing pleasure


4 Responses to “Morning watch 1-24-13”

  1. margaret Says:

    DId you introduce yourself and the falcons to CNB? You are still a free woman, so I’m thinking it ‘s all good.
    Lots of snow in city this AM. We just had COLD! Minus 5 on my car thermometer as I was driving south on Route 96 this morning! Not a day fit for falcons or potential bank robbers! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope all is okay at BS…with that third falcon reported today. Tis the season for battles, and I don’t want anymore.

  2. MAK Says:

    No Margaret I forgot to do that-hopefully tomorrow. I’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet of the winter but I feel a change to that is coming. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Ginny Says:

    Thanks for the report ad videos MAK….I hope things stay peaceful for all our falcons. That report from Carol tonight made me nervous…Who could that have been at Brighton?

  4. MAK Says:

    Ginny it could have been Beauty for all I know. Remember it was this time last year that Unity and Beauty battled for the territory so things will start getting active and hopefully no harm will come to any and all. ๐Ÿ™‚

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