rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 2-2-13

Happy Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring due to NOT seeing his shadow!

I arrived on the Broad St. Bridge at 7:05am. It was still pretty dark out so I drove over to Main St. by the Radisson Hotel to get a closer look at the OCSR building. I spotted something white up in the elevator shaft on the north sideand as I grabbed my camera it flew out of there and landed on the top ibeam southeast side of the OCSR building. It was the Beautyful one just waking up!


I drove to Graves St. to get that much closer. She stayed there to wake up for 25 minutes looking for breakfast and then she flew off to the south.


I don’t know if she caught something or grabbed cached food but I found Beauty on Widows Walk with what looked like a starling. I parked in the parking lot next to the Times Square building to watch.


I thought it strange that she wasn’t plucking feathers from it and then she pulled the head off of it,swung it around a bit before tossing it down. Seconds later she flew off with the rest of it in her talons above me and straight over to the base of Mercury.


After she landed with it she just perched there looking around and then at 7:50am off she went again -without her prey this time heading north.


10 minutes later I found Beauty on the top ibeam of OCSR northeast side this time. She looked to be in hunt mode as she watched pigeons flying near the east side of the river and below her for the next 45 minutes.

img_7314-beauty img_7326-what-be-down-there

I left Beauty at 8:45am to go check on the Brighton Site. I found BST on the east extension perched sleepily on a south facing window ledge.

img_7330-sleepy-bst img_7347-sweet-dreamin

Did I mention he had a full crop!? That’s why he was sleepy-I get that way after a good meal myself! He came alive after 15 minutes or so as he seemed to have something on his beak that was bothering him. BST kept opening and closing his mouth and scratching at his beak followed by stepping to his right and picking on a poor defenseless feather that was on the ledge.


After that BST pooped and settled back in for a nap. Barbara came by around this time and stayed just long enough to say hi and take a look at the sleepy head.


Pigott was not present today and with the little guy sleeping I leftΒ  around 10:15am for my last call downtown to find Beauty. I went to the Main St. Bridge by the Radisson Hotel to see if she was still on the northeast side of OCSR. She was gone and as I was ready to call it a watch and pull away I noticed something over on the launch pad of the Kodak Office Tower. I grabbed my binocs to look and sure enough there was a pefa looking bump perched there, so I drove over to check it out.Β  It was Beauty and she was looking over the area.


Beauty seemed to be zoomed in on something below her as she flew off checking the east side of the tower before flying around to the north side.


She didn’t come back into view so I took a trip around the building to find her. She was nowhere in sight so I called it a watch and headed home. After getting just a glimpse of the Beautyful one flying yesterday I was so smiling today for having seen her flying and perched on a few different spots! πŸ™‚

For a few more pics and videos click on the links below



2 Responses to “Morning watch 2-2-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Hi MAK πŸ™‚
    Beauty looks so awesome on the Kodak building….very Gothic looking at that great tower.
    And little BST is precious…always so sleepy πŸ™‚ And I saw that yellow foot of his scratching at his chin πŸ™‚
    You know that always makes me smile!

  2. MAK Says:

    I sure do Ginny! πŸ™‚

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