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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 2-21-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a cold morning when I left for my watch-the temperature was 16(F) -9(C) and about an inch of snow had fallen over nite.  It was overcast for the most part of my watch with light snow showers and a few flurries. The sun shone for maybe 20 minutes while I was at the Brighton location (BS) and then in and out while at the Lake Tower(LT) site.

I found Beauty after checking on the east side 15 minutes into my watch on the Bausch&Lomb building. She was on the northeast corner dining on breakfast.


Beauty finished up her meal and flew north rather hurriedly at about 7:15am.


I thought perhaps she saw the LT falcon so I headed north as well. Shooting straight down State St. to the Kodak Office tower (KO) I found Beauty on the south side arch above the old Mariah&Kaver nest site. It was snowing moderately and she had her back to me at first so I wasn’t sure it was Beauty until she turned around. That Beautyful salmon colored chest showed thru the snow very well.


I left her to see if the mystery falcon was at LT which it was not so I returned and spent half hour or so with the Beautyful one as she caught some winks and just hung out. I made my way over to BS and found Pigott at home-it was the first time I’d seen her in a few days although she had been seen in the evenings. Miss Pigott was on one of BSTs favorite window ledges-south facing,3rd set down on the east extension in the corner.

img_9148-miss-pigott img_9167-pigott img_9185-power-to-the-falcons Make sure to click the pics for a full version

Pigott was very alert-watching the trees below for a potential meal and preening for 30 minutes. She then flew off to the southwest as the sun was shining bright only to return 10 minutes later in a snow flurry. She came to rest on an east facing window top row below the roof top tree ledge.


I left for another check of downtown finding Beauty still on KO sound asleep when I first arrived. Considering the size of her crop I totally could see why she was asleep. It’s called a food coma!


I had to be going soon and decided to check the LT apartment before ending my watch. To my surprise I saw the head,shoulders and bright white  bulging crop of our mystery PEFA on the front (east) side of the building on the top row of windows.

img_9228-look-at-that-bulging-crop img_9232-location-pic img_9266-ltf

I started in the Aldis parking lot and ended up in the Brown Square Health Center parking lot as I tried to get a look at more of her body. I stayed  as long as I could with her hoping she’d give me a leg shot so I could see if she was banded. Unfortunately she stayed hunkered down to the back of the ledge. I took a few pics of the Lake Tower apartment building and one where you can see how close the Kodak Office tower is to this location.  I like to give you a feel for what I’m seeing on my watches so you get a better perspective.

img_9091-south-and-east-sides-of-lake-tower-apartments-taken-from-voa img_9092-front-east-side-of-lake-tower-apartments img_9093-ko-from-in-front-of-lake-tower-apartments img_9230-front-east-side-and-north-end-of-lake-tower-apartments

It was a good watch having seen 3 Peregrine Falcons and tho I couldn’t see if the mystery falcon was banded I still had plenty to smile about as I left downtown today!  🙂

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7 Responses to “Morning watch 2-21-13”

  1. Alison Says:

    Does anyone live in this Lake Tower apartment building, or is it also abandoned?
    If someone lived behind these windows, they might get a closer look at the gams…

  2. margaret Says:

    So now we have three beautiful, female falcons downtown and no males? oh no….
    you are so right to long for the stable M and K days. Those were the days…

  3. Ginny Says:

    LTF is one big girl!
    Pigott is so cute…I love “power to the falcons”…that big yellow foot! LOL !!
    And Beauty is well just a BEAUTY!!!

  4. MAK Says:

    Yes Alison,the building is occupied.
    They sure were the days Margaret!
    Ginny, as always thank you for commenting. Every time the birds show a big yellow foot I think of you! 🙂

  5. Alison Says:

    Would it be possible to alert the residents to the falcon sitting outside the windows at Lake Tower and ask for their information? A notice in the lobby or some such?

  6. MAK Says:

    Um Alison, I’ll refer this to June Summers. Last time I went into a building to inquire about the falcons I was told it wasn’t my place. I will get back to you when I have an answer. 🙂

  7. MAK Says:

    Alison, I asked June about your request and she said she will have to do some investigation and talk to the building manager. This will take a week and a half or two weeks. So we’ll have to be patient. I will let you know how it goes when I know. 🙂

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