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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 4-14-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

When I left for my watch at about 6:05am the temperature was a cool 37 (F)  3 (C) with a bit of a breeze,no precipitation and the Beautyful one was on cam 4.  9 minutes later as I arrived on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) Beauty was on the Mercury money bag (MMB).

img_4894-beauty Click my pics for a full version

At 6:25am Beauty flew to the nest box as Dot.Ca (DC) came flying in with food. He landed under the southeast wing and Beauty flew up next to him.  I drove up farther on the bridge to watch and found Dan in his chair. DC let Beauty have his small package and then he flew across to the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB).


10 minutes later he would fly west out of our view.  Meanwhile, after plucking feathers from the prey item making it look like it was snowing, Beauty had a meager helping and flew over to the base of Mercury. She wasn’t there long before flying to the deck next to the main cam at 6:55am.


Just about a half hour later Dan left so I went down to the hole first where Beauty had her back to me and then I went and parked in front of the Blue Cross Arena.

img_4912-beauty-from-below img_4922-beautyful img_4927-3-strikes-yer-out

The sun had come up and made an appearance in between clouds that were rolling through. I left for the Brighton Site (BS) to see if DC was there and sure enough I found him on the southeast corner of the east extension.

img_4960-dc-showing-some-bling img_4986-dc

He spent most of the time preening and every once in a while I heard Pigott making soft chupping sounds and whining but I couldn’t see her. I decided from where the sounds were coming from she was way back on the tree ledge. At 8:20am DC took off and flew to the west side and I took off in hot pursuit after him.

img_4987-runway-cleared-for-take-off img_4988-and-hes-off Surely you must click these 2 pics to see the full version LOL

I came up on the cubby real slow and put my window down so I could hear anything going on up there-ECHUP ECHUP ECHUP chup chup and loud too! This went on for a few minutes then the sounds turned to a soft low key and then a crow flew by real close. That was the end of that for DC popped out to the edge of the cubby and took off after the crow which smartly landed in the middle of a tree so DC couldn’t thump on it. He passed over the top of the tree and came back to land on the southwest corner.

img_4989-dc-sees-a-crow img_4993-dc

The whole time I could hear soft sweet sounds coming from the cubby as Pigott stayed in there and wouldn’t come out to show herself to me. That’s ok-hearing her is just as good as seeing her as far as I’m concerned! 10 minutes later DC took off without me seeing cuz I was fixated on the cubby waiting for Miss Pigott to come out and play. She was whining softly at this point and I had to leave for a bit. When I returned I couldn’t see or hear any falcons so I drove downtown to wind up my watch at around 10:30am. From the BSB I could see a falcon at the nest box with its back to me. I would find out when I got home that it was Beauty.

Pigott insisted on hiding from the old MAKster today and I’m pretty sure there will be a lot more of that in the coming days and weeks as she will probably lay eggs somewhere out of sight (if she hasn’t already) and begins incubating. In the meantime we are on egg watch for Beauty as she seems real close to dropping one and you know we’ll ALL be smiling when that finally happens! 🙂

Click on the links below if you wish to view more pics and a couple videos from my watch



3 Responses to “Morning watch 4-14-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    MAK, these are great pics…thanks for the one of the river 🙂
    And I loved your captions!
    I am smiling and laughing.
    Now I am off to check the main cam and see what’s going on with the UT !!!!

  2. margaret Says:

    Just catching up thanks to your great tweets and blog. What is going on? This UT is a cutie! Reminds me of Archer. Seems like he’s been around and just laying low.
    Wrong timing though. I hope he will be okay because it appears that Dot is a bit larger. Of course, I hope that Beauty is ok.
    I’m betting on a Monday egg. Termps will warm a bit.
    Thanks for being on the street scene!

  3. MAK Says:

    This guy looks familiar to me-I know I’ve seen him before. For his sake I hope I don’t see him again. DC will come downtown at some point so…
    I was thinking by Monday morning for an egg but Beauty may be too stressed to lay an egg right now. We can only wait and watch. 🙂

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