rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

ROC the Day: Yet Another Success

Thanks to the generosity of our dedicated falcon followers, we raised nearly $2,200 yesterday, including a $1,000 bonus that was earned by perfectly executing our tried-and-true plan to donate in force between midnight and 1 am in order to increase our chances of securing it. Well done, falcon followers!

ROC the Day officials will send us a list of donors sometime next week and a full financial statement in February, at which point we will know who to thank individually. Until then, thank you to everyone who donated. Your contributions will be used to fund Rfalconcam operations and improvements throughout 2016.

One Response to “ROC the Day: Yet Another Success”

  1. Lynne Heroux Says:

    Always worth staying up !!! We did ourselves proud !!!

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