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The Journal of Rfalconcam

Nest Relocation Moves Along

It’s been a while since we’ve posted news about the relocation of Mariah’s nest box. You may recall that this past June Kodak announced that it would need to remove the nest box in order to avoid harm to Mariah, her offspring, or the dozens of workers who will be restoring the deteriorating masonry on the Kodak tower over the next three years. Kodak is working with the Rochester Falconcam and the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation to maximize the chance of a successful relocation.

Last week we took the first step in the process. Falconcam team members fal-Kenn Martinez and Jim Pisello were on hand to supervise and assist as a special team hired by Kodak disconnected the nest box from the steel brackets that held it against the Kodak tower for over a decade. Jim has posted a heartfelt account of the removal activity on his blog, Peregrinations.

The Rochester Falconcam’s Nest Box Relocation team has been busy touring some potential relocation sites. A couple we’ve seen so far are the First Federal Plaza and the High Falls Brewing Company. In the next couple of weeks we hope to tour several more, but the team is still engaged in discussions with a number of property owners, and the DEC must certify the sites for their fitness to host a nest box.

It may seem that the pace of the relocation is a little slow, but things are progressing as fast as we can move them in light of the busy schedules of those involved in the relocation, and the many complexities of this important project. We’re happy to report that we’re still on schedule to begin installing new nest boxes in a couple of weeks, though no date has yet been announced. The biologists at the DEC tell us we still have plenty of time to get the boxes in place, so we’re looking forward to taking the next steps to erect a couple of new penthouses for Mariah to choose as the nursery for her family in 2009 and beyond.


4 Responses to “Nest Relocation Moves Along”

  1. Barbara Says:

    Thank you for the update, Jess.

    (Los Angeles)

  2. Froona Says:

    Wonderful Jess and thanks for all the effort everybody is putting into this project!
    I’m sure Mariah will have a wonderful new nursery next spring.

  3. Kathy V Says:

    I will be checking out the site of the taking down of the nest box..it will be sad..but I am glad things are progressing towards a new site. Hopefully Mariah and Kaver will pick one, and be able to be back here making a new family in the new year. My prayers and thanks are with all involved.

  4. Alison in Austria Says:

    Please do not feel rushed. The falcons will only really be interested in the box itself (in contrast to the tower, their very useful “cliff” in Rochester, which they use off and on most of the year) sometime next February, January at the earliest.

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