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Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Morning/Afternoon Falcon Watch – 3 Eyases Today! – 5/26/13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Good news!  Tonight Beauty & Dot.ca’s 3rd Eyas hatched.  Looks like the Rochester Watchers are going to be very busy when they fledge.  Just how we like it!  Everyone is so excited!  🙂

I wasn’t able to get out for my falcon watch until around 11:00 am this morning.  Watcher Kathy O was over at the BS location and she had Pigott on the south side vent.  So, that’s where I decided to head first, before going downtown.

As I was pulling into the street leading up to the BS building (11:30 am), I saw a Great Blue Heron fly over heading north.  I continued around to the south side of the building and parked by Kathy, who jumped out of her car.  She said “Pigott just flew around to the west side of the building!”  So we drove around the building a couple times, but could not find her.  Well, guess I wasn’t going to see Pigott after all!

Kathy decided to head downtown to check on Beauty and DC.  I told her I’d meet her down there after I tweeted out what had happened.  After tweeting, I drove slowly around the building one more time.  When I got to the west end, Pigott flew in from the west and landed on a window on the west end near the corner of the NW extension. (11:47 pm)

Pigott on the West End at BS 5/26/13*





Kathy O got my text and returned and we both watched Pigott preen.  It was great seeing her.  After awhile, she took off and flew to the south side of the building, landing on a window on the west side of the SE extension.

At noon Kathy left to check out downtown.  Again I told her I would tweet where Pigott was and then join her on the Broad St Bridge.  By the time I slowly completed my tweet (all my watcher friends know that I am a very slow texter on my old tracfone lol), ee-chupping filled the air and Dot.ca flew around the building searching for Pigott.  She immediately took off and they both flew together to the west end and into the cubby.  I could hear them chupping away with each other, but by the time I circled around to the west side, it was quiet.  Only Pigott remained on the edge of the cubby and she was silent.  Dot.ca had only remained a few moments, checking up on her I guess.

Pigott at the BS Cubby Just After DC Left 5/26/13*





At 12:15 pm, Pigott took off and soared higher and higher, circling and heading towards the southwest.

Pigott flying high 5/26/13Pigott flying high 5/26/13*





I watched Pigott until I couldn’t see her anymore.  It was time to go downtown.

Kathy was on the Broad St Bridge when I arrived and Dot.ca arrived soon after me, landing on the top IBeam of OCSR near the south corner.

Dot.ca on OCSR South Corner 5/26/13*





The sun was intense and the sky a brilliant blue.  The temps were close to 60 degrees (F).  A beautiful day!  This was our view from the Broad St Bridge.

Our view from the Broad St Bridge 5/26/13*





Not much was going on with the falcons, so we watched the wildlife above and on the river below.  There is so much to see!  So much life in the center of our little city.  You would be amazed!

Great Blue Heron on River Rock 5/26/13Buddy the Gull Visited with me for awhile and then took off to join his friends! 5/26/13*





Kathy had to leave, so I decided to go down to Aqueduct St (aka the hole) to watch.  From there I had a good view of Dot.ca keeping guard over his growing family from the top Ibeam of OCSR.  I could also see the nest box and now and then hear Beauty vocalize from above.  Sound really travels through that area.

I was parked near the local birds watering hole.  A small puddle that hadn’t evaporated yet.  They came from all over for a drink and a bath.  Fun to watch while Dot.ca preened above.  lol

Bathing Starling 5/26/13Whatchulooknat! 5/26/13*





Larry O joined me for a short while, then had to leave.

At 2:45 pm, Dot.ca finally took off from OCSR and headed towards the Times Square Bldg.  I thought he was going to land on the nest box platform, but he veered to the left and circled the building low.  I could hear Beauty loudly vocalizing from the nest box.  Probably telling him it was time for him to hunt, which he did.  Or maybe collected a cache.

It wasn’t until 3:05 pm that Dot.ca returned and flew up to the nest box.  Beauty stepped out and grabbed the food, leaving him to watch the eyases.

Beauty grabs the food from Dot.ca - 5/26/13*





Beauty flew towards me, but I lost her in the bright sunlight.  It took me a couple minutes to realize that she had landed on the Wilder Bldg at the east end of the green strip, where she was prepping Dot.ca’s offering.

Beauty Preps Food on Wilder Bldg - 5/26/13*





It didn’t take Beauty long.  She took the food up to the nest box and Dot.ca came out, landing on the top IBeam of OCSR, to continue guarding his family.

At 3:15 pm, I called it a watch, very happy that I had seen all three adult Rochester Falcons doing well.  All was peaceful and quiet on this day that brought the arrival of a 3rd eyas in the nest box high above on the Times Square Bldg.  All was good.

2 Responses to “Sunday Morning/Afternoon Falcon Watch – 3 Eyases Today! – 5/26/13”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Good ol’ Dot.ca, coming to his “love nest” for a lunch-time quickie before getting back to business.

  2. Carol Says:

    lol Alison. He was there and gone quick. I think he just continues to check up on Pigott.

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