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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 6-25-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This morning I started my watch under overcast skies with a temperature of 72 (F) 22 (C) and humid conditions.

I arrived in the hole (Aqueduct St.) at 5:21am finding Beauty on the main cam.


Parked next to He’s Chinese, I would wait an hour for her first movement when she flew out around Mercury and returned to the Times Square building (TSB) landing on the column above the nest box.

img_0014-beauty-take-off img_0015-beauty2 img_0016-beautyClick on pics for full version


The Beautyful one was in hunt mode watching everything that moved and most likely looking for Dot.Ca (DC) as well. Around 6:45am Larry stopped by to get the scoop before going up to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB). I remained in the hole waiting for a food delivery by DC or a catch by Beauty. It would happen less than 10 minutes later when Beauty flew out and came back to the southeast corner of the deck along with DC. I’m not sure who or if either one had food or who is who in the following pics so I’ll just let you decide for yourself.

img_0023-beauty-and-dc img_0024-getting-closer img_0025-touchdown

At the time I thought DC brought food, Beauty took it and started feeding eyases as DC flew up under the northeast wing.

img_0031-dc-about-to-land img_0032-dc2

Just about 7am DC took off to the north and came back with a small package landing on the northeast corner of the deck.


DC then left again and I thought he had cached the little bird he had but he in fact returned with it landing on the main cam. I missed him going to the main cam as I thought I better go up on the BSB for a broader view of things.


I could see that Beauty was feeding the family when DC hopped down to the deck and that’s when I could see the little birdie he held in his beak.

img_0041-dc-drops-in-with-more-food img_0043-dc-brings-prey Click pic to see DC full version

I watched as Beauty flew off and I believe DC was up there feeding the kids with his catch.


I left to check the Brighton site at this point knowing the action was over now that everyone had eaten. When I arrived at 7:30am I could not miss the large bird on the northeast corner of the east extension as I drove down the entrance road. I pulled over to look with my binocs and was surprised to see that it was a Turkey Vulture.


I drove around the building to see if Pigott was home but she was nowhere to be found. I parked on the east side to observe the TV for 15 minutes before leaving.


To my knowledge it is the falcon that drives off a vulture but in this case I wonder if the reverse has taken place since I haven’t seen Pigott in a couple days. Stay tuned Rochester Falcon fans for stranger things have happened here! I made my way back downtown for one last check of our falcon family and found Beauty on the column above the nest box and DC above all of them under the northeast wing. All was good in their world and mine bringing a smile to my face as I ended my watch at 8am! 🙂

Click on the links below to see more pics and videos



5 Responses to “Morning watch 6-25-13”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Wow, that TV is a dramatic looking bird! He looks kind of like Dracula. Excellent pics, MAK. Maybe Pigott is just on one her vacations. I hope so.

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Pat!! They do have a big presence whether in the sky or perched somewhere. I’m sure Pigott is around somewhere. 🙂

  3. margaret Says:

    I hope Ms P is around! TVs sitting on her perch? I don’t like! She better come back and scare him off!

  4. Joyce Says:

    Pefafollower (KathyO) has spotted Pigott the last two evenings, so she is around.

    MAK you must be getting really good at holding that camera steady…you’ve gotten some great flight shots in and around TSB.

  5. MAK Says:

    Margaret, I know Pigott is around just not the last couple times I’ve been there. I’m sure she chases after it when she is around.
    Joycie I use a monopod for the most part-free hand I can’t hold steady near as much.
    Thanks for commenting ladies! 🙂

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