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Eyes to the Skies

Baron fledges fledge watch 7-5-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This mornings starting temperature was 72 (F) 22 (C) with cloudy,humid conditions.

When I arrived in the hole at 5:20amDan was there in his chair waiting for me by He’s Chinese. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He has conformed for the fledging of our beloved youngsters giving up his preferred way of being out where you can see more open spaces so as not to miss any action-stoops to be specific! lol There were 2 eyases on the well wall initially but the 3rd made an appearance and no adults in view.

img_0002-3-falconeers Click on my pics to view full version

The first hour featured a lot of maneuvering by the eyases, especially Baron.  Beauty turned up on the jail tower and Dot.Ca  (DC) dropped off food which prompted a food fight amongst the siblings.

img_0007-beauty<Beauty img_0010-eyas img_0014-2-babies DC> img_0026-dc

Beauty went to the box and broke it up by feeding one of the eyases while the other 2 self fed. Dan left at 7am just missing Larry who pulled up a minute later and Aaron stopped real quick a few minutes later. Carol would join us around 7:20am as we were stationed at the back of the Thomson Reuters building. While she was parking the car Larry and I spotted a bird gliding across from in front of the Times Square building (TSB) to the Wilder building landing somewhere on the brick chimney or roof where we couldn’t see. Larry said was that a pigeon and I said I think it was an adult and then we realized it was a fledge and the bird was Baron! Larry ran out to Exchange Blvd. to see if he could see Baron and Carol got out of her car as I said we have a fledge. She noticed Baron appear on the roof ledge southeast corner. Then I spotted DC flying to TSB under the northeast wing. WOOHOO!

img_0033-1st-shot-of-baron-after-fledging img_0037-baron img_0043-baron img_0032-dc<DC

KathyO joined the watch at 8am as we watched Baron walk,run,hop,skip and hop-fly his way across the roofs edge from one end to the other ending up behind a venting pipe to hide from the sun for awhile.


Dana and Louigi showed up around 8:30am to join in the fun of watching this charismatic young fledgling. Beauty acted as tho it was no big deal preening on cam 1 while Rosetta and Voyager would start whining every time Baron moved. DC stayed fixed under that northeast wing watching over his family. On a couple different occasions he alarm called and started diving toward the roof of the Wilder building but we didn’t know why. Later in the day we would find out that a man was going up there to smoke which prompted Beauty to fly over a few times as well and may have caused Baron to fly off in the evening and land on fledge ledge on the TSB across from the nest box.

img_0055-beauty <Beauty img_0057-baron <Baron Voyager>img_0072-voyager-landing

img_0073-rosetta <Rosetta    DC> img_0074-dc1

It was a long hot day as we anticipated Baron to fly again. After making it to fledge ledge he did make his triumphant return to home at 4pm. Sorry about the shortened report but there just isn’t enough time to write my usual detailed blogs after spending all day in the field I ended my watch at 7:15pm. Watchers out and about today and tonight with me were:Dan,Larry,Carol,Kathy,Dana,Lou,Aaron,Pat,Debbie H,Jeanne,Carrie,Shaky,Lisa and Brian. We were all smiles that the first fledge went as smoothly as it could have with no stress involved. 🙂

PS – A big thank you to all the cam watchers who help us out each and every day! You guys rock!!



4 Responses to “Baron fledges fledge watch 7-5-13”

  1. Joyce Says:

    The pics you captured today…wow!

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Joyce. 🙂

  3. Jeannine Says:

    MAK, all I can say is fabulous! The report ands videos make me feel like I was there. Many thanks for all you do, Jeannine

  4. MAK Says:

    Well thanks for letting me know Jeannine! 🙂

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