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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-1-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The humidity continues as we had an overcast morning and a temperature of  69 (F)  21 (C) to start the day at 6am.

Beauty switched things up on me this morning as I didn’t find her on HSBC or anywhere else but I did find Dot.Ca (DC) after half hour on the  top ibeam south corner of OCSR. He had his back to me initially but I observed him from different spots including the hole (Aqueduct St.), Graves St. and at Main St. by the Radisson Hotel. The orange glow of the sun peeking thru the clouds for a brief few minutes gave him an amber look.

img_0008-dc img_0010-dc-with-the-suns-orange-glow1 img_0013-dc-ready-to-take-off

After I switched locations, DC took off stooping  toward the river out of sight. I went looking and found him over on the east side perched on our tallest downtown building Xerox-southeast corner.

img_0016-dc img_0018-take-off-time img_0021-dc

DC didn’t let any moss grow under him there as he flew off like he was shot out of a rocket-I clicked the shutter on my camera when he left Xerox and barely got him in the shot before he went into a super fast stoop around 7:30am.

img_0025-dc-going-after-breakfast He sure does blend in-I almost didn’t notice him in this pic

10 minutes later I found DC back on his spot-top ibeam south corner of OCSR. As I crossed the Broad St. Bridge I saw the cherry picker by Blue Cross Arena-time to clean windows!  I parked below DC on Graves St. as he peeked out from the corner before moving just to the west of it.

img_0026-time-to-clean-windows img_0029-dc-peeking img_0039-hi-buddy

I left him after 20 minutes and went in search of the Beautyful one. Making my way over to the Frontier Communications Tower at 8am I pulled in the Hochstein School of Music parking lot as I spotted Beauty on the tower in the same spot as yesterday when she wouldn’t share breakfast with DC-south side beam in the lower white section. She just perched there looking around the area for 5 minutes then she seemed to spot something. I’m guessing DC, for she vocalized, took off and went directly to OCSR with MAK hot on her tail!

img_0049-looks-like-more-chest-feathers-need-to-come-out1 img_0053-ready-to-fly-off-as-she-sees-dc-on-ocsr1 img_0054-here-i-come-dc img_0055-beauty-off-to-join-dc-on-ocsr

Beauty went to the top ibeam west corner of OCSR while DC was still down the top ibeam at the south corner and shortly after he would fly out and go to the 2nd ibeam south corner.

img_0057-beauty<Beauty img_0065-dc<DC img_0066-bdcClick on to view full version

I thought this would be a good time to go check on Miss Pigott at the Brighton location. As I drove in the driveway I caught a glimpse of Pigott flying from the west to the cubby area so I stopped there on the west side where it’s located and saw her up on the front edge of the cubby at 8:23am. I grabbed my camera and then she walked into the cubby where she is hidden. I waited about 15 minutes and Pigott came to the forefront for me.

img_0077-pigott img_0087-pigott img_0088-preening-pigott

She did some serious preening in the hour I shared space with her and did some awesome posing for me as well. Pigott is a very photogenic girl!

img_0093-now-let-me-see img_0102-shes-so-cute img_0104-pigott-posing-for-mak<Click it

I left her to it and returned to downtown finding Beauty to still be on the top ibeam west corner of OCSR but DC was gone.  She too did some cute poses for MAK!

img_0109-im-cute-too-mak img_0113-b-bye-mak

I ended my watch about 9:45am as I left Beauty and looked for DC unsuccessfully. I also took a ride down to the Hawkeye plant to see if the juvie from yesterday was around but I didn’t see it. It was a very tranquil Sunday morning watch as I saw all 3 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons, each with their own individual personalities to make me smile! 🙂

Click on the links below to view more pics and videos of our beloved falcons



4 Responses to “Morning watch 9-1-13”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Aww, Pigott’s looking right at you, MAK. How cute!

  2. MAK Says:

    I know-love it when they seem to look at me. 🙂

  3. Ginny Says:

    Pigott is adorable! She knows you were filming her 🙂
    And Beauty and DC are precious!
    I love them all.

  4. MAK Says:

    I love them all too Ginny! 🙂

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