rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 3-7-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Good day to everyone! It was an hour into my watch this morning before I finally spotted a falcon. I was lucky enough to notice who I am assuming was Beauty, streaking overhead on the Broad St. bridge and then the Rundell Library to my left. It happened very fast and poof she was gone! I waited a few minutes to see if she would come back. I then decided to take a look on the east side near HSBC. As I was driving westbound on Court St. I looked up and saw a bump on the southeast corner of Bausch and Lomb. I drove over to Washington Square Park for a better view and there she was…the Beautyful one! And she was eating something.


I barely had time to click off a couple pics when she flew across to the southwest corner. Again, she gave me just enough time to take a pic or two and off she went towards the river!


I drove to Broad St. and Exchange St. where I spotted her on the west side (facing the nestbox side) of the Old Changing Scenes Restaurant. Beauty was on the top ibeam just right of center. I then drove down to Aqueduct St. for a closer view.


After calling Donna to see if Beauty was on cam and to sing her Happy Birthday I ended my watch with a smile on my face! No sighting of Mr. T or Archer.  🙂

2 Responses to “Morning watch 3-7-11”

  1. Donna Says:

    LOL, that you did MAK. Great watch and pics! Thanks

  2. margaret Says:

    I don’t know how you, and Carol, and Joyce, and Dana do it. Makes me dizzy, and I know the city a bit..not as well as you girls. You all make it seem so easy to be zipping around after these falcons…:-) Keep up the good work. It’s only going to get busier! Eat your Cheerios for breakfast!

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