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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 10-22-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

As I walked out the house today the temperature was 40 (F) 4 (C) with a slight breeze and mostly cloudy. It had rained during the night ushering in a cold front and as it made its way thru today the breeze got busy.

As I made my way around the back of HSBC on the east side I spotted Beauty on the east side of HSBC. She had her back to me at first and then after 5 minutes she flew over to the northeast corner of HSBC. I started out on Broad St. and switched over to Chestnut St. near the Hotel Cadillac to watch the Beautyful one.

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There’s a nice display of pretty flowers in the back of HSBC which I had to photograph for a splash of color.

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I left Beauty after well over an hour before leaving to check the Brighton Site. As I arrived there near 9am I found Pigott on the east side perched on the southeast corner near the roof top tree. Her head was on a swivel this morning watching everything in sight.

img_0028-pigott img_0030-pigott img_0036-pigott1<Click it

Miss Pigott had a full crop and never moved from her spot.

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I returned downtown finding Beauty on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR just in time to see her fly off headed north.


After some searching I found Beauty on the inside of the southeast cube on the Frontier Communications Tower as I was on Fitzhugh St. I never did see Dot.Ca while on watch.

img_0048-find-beauty<Find Beauty

I got another angle of her from Church St. allowing me to see her from the front.

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I left her to rest thus ending my watch at 9:45am. So today was ladies day as I saw both Beauty and Pigott. On my way home I saw a u-haul truck with a goshawk on it and a lovely leaf with several colors and stages of its fall life. Keep smiling everyone! 🙂

img_0053-u-haul-truck img_0001-many-colors-in-one-leaf

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