rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Mothers Day Watch 5-8-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK
Happy Mothers Day to all!
Fittingly my first sighting this morning at 5:55am was downtown Rochesters resident mom Beauty.

She was near the southeast corner of the HSBC building. She left and I didn;t see her again until about 8:00am. BrianH had joined me while we watched Beauty fly to and land on the main camera.


Shortly after Archer flew out of the nestbox and Beauty flew in. He went over to the Wilder building and parked himself on the fire escape ladder.


After a little preening and scoping out his territory he flew up to the northeast corner of the Crossroads building grabbed some cached food and flew to the Times Square building to prepare it for consumption under the southeast wing.


Archer flew down to the nestbox and it seemed like he was trying to lure Beauty off the eggs with prey. He then flew out to Mercury and dropped the small mothers day gift on the base of Mercury and flew over to the top ibeam of OCSR south corner. Beauty flew out to Mercury gobbled down this meager morsel and returned to her eggs less than a minute later.


Seeing that Beauty went back to the the nestbox Archer flew to the northeast corner of Crossroads and looked to the north where Kodak and his “other woman'” reside.


Archer flew back to the top ibeam south corner of the OCSR building where we left him. I dropped Brian off at home and went home myself to end the watch 🙂

For more pics of my special Mothers Day morning watch follow the link to my album.  http://www.kodakgallery.com/gallery/sharing/shareRedirectSwitchBoard.jsp?token=318597822213%3A348466902&sourceId=533754321803&cm_mmc=eMail-_-Share-_-Photos-_-Sharer

2 Responses to “Mothers Day Watch 5-8-11”

  1. margaret Says:

    Once again, great pictures and report, MAK. You take wonderful pics. That has to be some camera!
    5:55 downtown? When do you sleep?

  2. MAK Says:

    Thank you Margaret. This camera is AWESOME! Trust me the camera is doing all the work. I actually need to get downtown earlier as it gets light out before 5:30am! 🙂

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