rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 5-15-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

When I got up at 5;10am and looked out the window I didn’t see any rain but when I walked out the door I found that it was misting very lightly and steadily. As I got on route 490E off in the distance I could see that it was foggy downtown.  As I approached the Broad St. bridge I saw that Dans’ car wasn’t parked in it’s spot. No surprise given the weather. I did a u-turn to park the truck facing the Times Square building and nest site. Beauty was on the eggs when I left home. So I sat and waited for Archer to fly in and make the switch in between clearing the windshield with the wipers. I watched through the scope and apparently Archer snuck in and Beauty snuck out when I wasn’t looking at 6:00am. So when I sent out my first tweet at 6:11am Archer was already on the eggs unbeknownst to me. I drove down to Aqueduct St. to see if there was a falcon on the Wilder building. My second tweet said that Archer had briefly flown to the nestbox and then flown to the Wilder building,  it was in fact Beauty.


Donna let me know what had transpired and set me straight. Good job and thank you very much! So this was the Beautyful ones’ first attempt to get in the nestbox with Archer not budging. He clearly didn’t want anything to do with leaving his much drier location!  Finally around 8:00am Beauty got her way and Archer let her take over  the scrape, and HE flew over to the green strip on the Wilder building .


5 minutes later Archer flew to the top ibeam of the OCSR building on the southwest side.


A few minutes later Archer suddenly flew off in a big hurry almost in a half stoop toward the Times Square building. Being down on Aqueduct St. the buildings are very close and you are somewhat boxed in so I lost Archer  behind the Philipone building and never saw him again. The fog started to roll in further so I took a couple pics and ended my watch. 🙂


3 Responses to “Morning watch 5-15-11”

  1. Donna Says:

    Cool pics MAK, love the fog! Great job.

  2. MAK Says:

    Well I had to touch them up in picassa because of the weather conditions, but you know me I’ll post pics whether they are good or not! Thanks my friend. 🙂

  3. margaret Says:

    Good pics and nice report on a totally miserable morning! Your dedication — and that of the other watchers at KP — is amazing!

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