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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 12-16-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was overcast and cold with a little light snow at times this morning with a temperature of 16 (F) -9 (C)

I was on the east side taking a couple pics when I got a tweet from Donna that a falcon  whom she thought was Beauty was on the Mercury Money Bag (MMB). Thanks for the assist D!

img_0002-inn-on-broadway-st img_0003-arenas-on-east-aveClick pics to see full version

I went to the Broad St. bridge and saw the back of  Beauty on Mercury. I continued down to the hole to see the front of her. She flew off less than 10 minutes later heading north.

img_0013-beauty1 img_0015-beauty-takes-off

I headed over to Kodak Office and found her there on the south side arch where she’s been going for the past few days. She was there less than a minute then took off to the south.

img_0022-beauty img_0023-look-at-those-big-yellow-feet

I went to Brighton after not finding the Beautyful one and came upon both Pigott and Dot.Ca (DC). He was on the northeast corner of the east extension eating and she was watching him from  the southeast corner. Same as yesterday-no sharing !

img_0026-dc-eating img_0029-dc-has-something-to-say img_0032-dc img_0033-dc<DC

img_0036-pouty-pigott-cuz-dc-wont-share img_0038-pigott1

About 10 minutes later Pigott walked across to where DC was and he flew off with his food to where she just came from.  A minute later he flew over and kicked Pigott off his original corner and she went back to her corner.

img_0040-dc img_0049-dc<DC   img_0045-pigott1<Pigott> img_0050-pigott-takes-off

img_0051-dc-incoming-with-his-food img_0053-dc-watches-pigott-fly-off img_0054-dc img_0054-dc1

Pigott said the heck with you and flew off to the east to find her own breakfast. DC then finished his meal and flew to the southeast corner of the southeast extension briefly  then back to the southeast corner of the east extension before flying north..

img_0058-dc-by-tree1 img_0061-dc-with-his-full-crop img_0066-dc-flies-north

I returned to downtown to find Beauty on the southeast cube of the Frontier Communications Tower for a minute before she flew north.

img_0067-beauty-from-andrews-st img_0073-beauty-on-se-cube-of-fct img_0074-beauty-scratches-her-chin img_0075-beauty

Beauty had ended up on the south side arch of Kodak Office.


I ended my watch at 9:15am- anytime I see all 3 Rochester Peregrine Falcons is reason to smile! 🙂

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