rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Monday Falcon Watch – 12/30/13 – All Three Rochester Falcons Seen!

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

It was time for another speedy falcon watch this afternoon after work.  (3:40 – 5:00 pm)

My watch started with temps in the teens and a thin layer of snow on the ground.  Over the next few days, the temperatures will be plummeting here in Rochester, NY and 2013 will become 2014.

My watch started at KP.  I could not find any falcons there.

BS was my next stop.  I found Pigott on a south facing window on the east extension.

Pigott at BS 12-30-13*





Fellow watcher Joyce, joined me.  We were chatting when Pigott took off.  She returned to the building very quickly, and she wasn’t alone.  Dot.ca had arrived.  They both landed next to each other on the southeast corner of the southeast extension, just above the tree ledge.  There was no vocalization.  They both settled in, just a couple feet apart from each other.

Dot.ca Joins Pigott at BS 12-30-13Dot.ca Joins Pigott at BS 12-30-13Dot.ca Joins Pigott at BS 12-30-13*





Joyce and I decided to head downtown to look for Beauty, before the sunset and it was too dark to see anything.  We searched everywhere, not finding her at first.  On a 2nd pass of the east side, Joyce spotted Beauty up on top of the Xerox Tower on the south side.  I drove over and found Beauty where Joyce reported seeing her.

Beauty on Xerox 12-30-13*





With all three Rochester Falcon found and all quiet and peaceful, it was time to end my watch and head home.  Keep warm everyone!  Goodnight!

5 Responses to “Monday Falcon Watch – 12/30/13 – All Three Rochester Falcons Seen!”

  1. Kris G. Says:

    Thanks for finding Beauty! 🙂

  2. WLABarb Says:

    Thanks for braving the elements, Carol and Joyce! It’s always comforting to know that all three permanent residents have been seen.

  3. Carol P. Says:

    You’re welcome Kris and Barb! 🙂

  4. Ginny Says:

    Thank you Carol!
    I am so happy all three were seen!
    Happy New Year!!!

  5. Carol P. Says:

    Happy New Year to you also Ginny!

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