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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 1-26-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

As I started my watch at 7:15am the temperature was 6 degrees (F) -14 (C) the sun rose with no clouds in the way and it warmed up to 7!   LOL

Beauty gave me a break this morning and only made me make 2 trips around downtown before finding her on the west side of the south side arch of Kodak Office (KO).

img_0013-beauty img_0018-beauty

Around 7:45am Dot.Ca (DC) arrived as Beauty watched him fly in from the south and land on the southeast corner of the launchpad.

img_0021-beauty-looking-at-something img_0023-looking-at-dc-who-has-just-arrived img_0028-bdc

At first he was facing me but I guess he wanted to warm up his back in the sun. Coupled with the cold weather making it hard to get my camera to focus and looking at his back I didn’t get a whole lot of pics of him today.

img_0031-bdc img_0035-dc <DC  img_0046-beauty<Beauty>img_0056-beauty

DC left after 20 minutes, flying southwest and didn’t return. Beauty remained on her arch perch and I left for the Brighton Site (BS) after a few more minutes.  Arriving at BS around 8:15am I found Pigott on a top row window ledge on the southeast extension below the roof top tree. In the half hour that I shared space with this pretty Peregrine she had her back to me giving me only glimpses of her face as she preened.

img_0059-pigott img_0061-peeking img_0070-pretty-pigott-preening img_0072-pigott img_0074-she-looks-like-she-has-an-attitude-today

Miss Pigott seemed content to stay there basking in the sun so I headed back to downtown. I didn’t find DC but Beauty was still on the south side arch of KO when I got back.


The Beautyful one was all foofed up to keep warm and seemed like she wasn’t going anywhere so I ended my watch around 9:30am. I was lucky enough to see all 3 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons on my watch. Keep smiling everyone it makes people wonder what you’re up to! 🙂

Click on the links below to view todays videos of our fine feathered friends



4 Responses to “Morning watch 1-26-14”

  1. WLABarb Says:

    Wow, you completed the time-consuming process of your watch, report and uploading photos and videos fast today! Glad you got to see all three resident PEFA’s, MAK. Thanks for the update.

  2. OlRedHair Says:

    Love the foofed up picture! Great report, videos, and pictures. Thanks so much, MAK!

    What type of gloves do you wear? I can’t seem to keep my hands warm even at 20°.

  3. MAK Says:

    Barb, I have to get it done quick so I can get to packing and preparing for the imminent move. Sigh… 🙂

  4. MAK Says:

    Thanks Nora, I just wear those knit gloves that stretch to fit any size hands. When my fingers get cold I throw the gloves up on the heat vent on the dash for a couple minutes. 🙂

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