Morning watch 5-27-11
By Rochester falcon watcher MAK
This watch report will be more about the weather since it was a major factor in it. When I left home Beauty was on the eggs and it was raining at a good clip. As I made my way through the intersection at Broad and Exchange Streets I looked over to the Wilder building and caught a falcon flying from the nestbox area over to the top ibeam west corner of the OCSR building.
I thought Beauty cuz this is one of her favorite spots recently. After I took a pic and zoomed it I could confirm it was indeed the Beautyful one. So I drove down Aqueduct St. and watched for awhile, not sure how long. She flew off into the fog and I quickly lost sight of her. This would be my one and only look at a falcon on this morning watch.
As I drove around the city looking for her, the fog kept coming down lower and lower until it became almost impossible to see a falcon if they were on a building more than half way up. Here is a sampling of mine and Beautys’ world early this morning.
Needless to say I ended my watch early due to the fog, but I did record a video of the river if you are interested here’s the link:
And if you’d like to view more fog filled pics here’s the link for that:
Enjoy and remember all those who died for our freedom on this Memorial Day weekend! 🙂