Morning watch 3-5-14
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Well the temperature was up about 10 degrees from yesterday morning but still cold at 16 (F) -9 (C) by early March standards. Our average high is around 40 for this time of year. Anyway, the day has started with overcast conditions and light snow has been falling since I left for my watch at 6:25am
From the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) I easily found Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam south corner of the OCSR building with that bright white chest of his sticking out like a sore thumb.
He’s keeping a close eye on his territory in case UT wanders back downtown. After a few minutes I left DC to look for Beauty and I found her eating on the south side of Bausch & Lomb (B&L) southeast corner. She finished up with her meal shortly after I arrived parking on Broad St. between Xerox and Midtown. She had a mess on her beak and spent several minutes trying to clean it up by feaking and scratching at it with her talon.
When she was done, off she flew to the west.
I made my way over to the Radisson Hotel by Main St. at 7am to see that DC was still on OCSR top ibeam south corner and Beauty had gone straight to the elevator shaft to take cover and digest her meal on the north ledge.
10 minutes later DC slipped off and flew southwest disappearing behind Main St. buildings. I left for the Brighton Site (BS) thinking maybe DC went there since that’s the direction he flew.
When I arrived at 7:30am I found Pigott on the west end of the south side vent-she was scrunched down and had her feathers foofed up to keep warm.
Miss Pigott flew off to the south less than 5 minutes after I arrived-I watched her with my binocs until she vanished into the cloudy southern sky.
I waited and watched for the next 15 minutes but she never returned so I went back downtown to make a last check before ending my watch. DC was gone but the Beautyful one was still on the north ledge of the OCSR elevator shaft.
I called it a watch at 8:20am and before leaving our fair city had a look around for DC without success. I saw all 3 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons giving me reason to smile! 🙂
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