rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch – Friday – 6/5/09

Falcon Watcher – Carol P.

I arrived at the east end of the pedestrian bridge this morning around 10:30 am, after checking downtown.  No Falcons in sight.  I joined Susan C for the morning Watch.  I had forgotten to check the gorge wall and finally did around 11:00 am.  There she was!  Mariah was on the east side gorge wall between the observation deck and the High Falls.

She was sound asleep, head tucked under her wing with her back to us.

At noon a lot of Watchers started showing up for the noon hour Watch.  Dan S, Kathy A, Larry O, Sue (Bess), Jeanne, Lynda and Tim.

Mariah woke up and decided it was time to stretch her wings.  During the hour, she took off a few times, returning to the gorge wall in a different spot.  She even ended up in the Shady Tree on the east side gorge wall.  Dale has nicknamed this tree the Falcon Sucking Tree!  🙂

 She then flew towards the pedestrian bridge, under it and off to the north.  She soon returned with a Crow on her tail.

Mariah landed on top of the gorge wall in front of the observation deck, just past Pride’s Rock.

After about a 1/2 hour, it was inevitable that someone would walk out to the observation deck.  Mariah took off and flew to the top of the Kodak Tower, landing on the launch pad.

During the morning and afternoon, Archer and Beauty were only seen twice, flying high above downtown.  There was no interaction witnessed between them and Mariah.

At 4:40 pm, both Jeanne and I left Shaky on the pedestrian bridge.  I did a quick drive around downtown.  I couldn’t find Mariah on the launch pad, but I do believe she was up there hunkered down in the shade.  The sun was very hot today.

A quick trip around the Times Square Bldg revealed Archer on the east side, just above the nest box located there.

I couldn’t find Beauty.

At 6:30 pm, Watcher Carla P left me a message on my cell phone saying that she had both Beauty & Archer on the Times Square Bldg. near the nest box level.

Carol P.

5 Responses to “Falcon Watch – Friday – 6/5/09”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Is it too late for Archer and Beauty to reclutch? My brain says yes, but my heart says….

  2. chrissy Says:

    Mariah seems to be grabbing naps whenever she can. It’s been a long week for her . . and for the watchers. You’ve all done a bang-up job keeping tabs and being there for Mariah.

    Carol, you mentioned a dead deer in the gorge. Has it been removed? Any idea what killed it? (just want to rule out poisoning as crows regularly feed on carrion).

  3. Kathy V Says:

    Sounds like M is having a good ol’ time and getting around. Thanks for the update.
    I still wish I knew what happened to Kaver.

  4. Karyn aka Rickabob Says:

    Carol…I got caught up on all the entries. Thanks so much for the excellent writings. To you and all the watchers….we are so lucky that you are able to provide us with the information you do. Thank you so much.

    Kathy V…I am like you, what happened to our Kaver? Oh how I wish he would come flying in, Mariah sees him, flys out to join talons….I know, what a sap I am. LOL I just miss those days :*(

  5. Carol P. Says:

    Hey Chrissy – The deer has been down there for over a week. We believe it either came down the river duiring the big rain storms and washed up on the shore or fell over the gorge wall. I don’t think poison was involved. The TV’s are certainly enjoying the free meal.

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