rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 5-31-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

This morning I first found Beauty on the FCT under the platform with her back to me of course.

morning-watch-5-31-11-001-b morning-watch-5-31-11-004-b

She seemed fine but kinda antsy looking around much more than usual. Again she was looking north alot. She flew off in the direction of Times Square so I went right over and found her under the northeast wing.

morning-watch-5-31-11-006-beauty beauty morning-watch-5-31-11-024-the-beautyful-one

Beauty was again looking north mostly but clearly not her usual content self. Her head was constantly looking all around her surroundings.  In my opinion, she is really feeling the effects of Archer spending all his time over at Kodak Park with Unity since they lost the last egg. After awhile she flew down to the deck area next to the main camera and then went into the nestbox. After some time in there she flew out and headed back to the FCT and landed on the middle arm. This is where I left her ending my watch. 🙂

Beauty looking to KP for Archer

Beauty looking to KP for Archer

For more pics of  the Beautyful one go here:


One Response to “Morning watch 5-31-11”

  1. margaret Says:

    I agree that she is looking very antsy! Even her behavior in the nest box this morning was antsy. She doesn’t no what to do with herself. Her instincts and probably hormones are telling her one thing, but she is not finding it here.

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