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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 3-8-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This morning it was overcast with a temperature of 34 degrees (F) 1 (C)

It took me about 25 minutes for my first falcon sighting in the form of Dot.Ca  (DC).  As I came back from the east side of town from the Broad St.Bridge (BSB) I saw him under the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB).


DC was eating up there as I parked down in the hole behind He’s Chinese for a visit with our resident male around 6:45am. He waved hello to me!

img_0011-nom-nom img_0019-hi-mak

While I was watching DC on my camera LCD screen I heard Beauty vocalizing-I looked around but couldn’t find her. She may have been in the nest box-I can’t see in there from the hole. I went up on the BSB to have a look/see but she wasn’t in the nest box so I drove over to the east side of the city while DC cleaned himself up from his meal. As I looked to the east side of Bausch & Lomb (B&L) I spotted the Beautyful one from Chestnut and Broad St. but she flew off as I pulled over. I watched her fly straight to the Mercury money bag (MMB) so I drove straight to the hole and parked on Bank Place where it meets Aqueduct St. (the hole) to share space with Beauty around 7:15am.

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10 minutes later Beauty flew to the nest box and DC remained above under the northeast wing as I went back up to the BSB to watch. She looked up at DC as he took off at 7:38am and followed him only to return half a minute later and land on the main cam.

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I then went back to the hole behind He’s Chinese to watch Beauty preen and relax a bit.

img_0064-gotta-fix-those-cuticles img_0073-eh-what-you-say img_0086-beautay

I thought perhaps DC had gone to the Brighton site (BS) since that’s the direction he was headed when I last saw him so I headed there myself. He wasn’t there but Pigott was and she was playing peek a boo with me as I could only see her head poking up from the northwest corner of the southwest extension which is right above the cubby where we Rochester falcon watchers think she and DC have a scrape.

img_0094-pigott-says-falcon-power img_0101-pigott

Her pretty head was turning rapidly every which way in the few minutes I shared with her. At 8:10am Miss Pigott flew southwest and didn’t come back while I was there.


On my way back downtown I stopped on Exchange Blvd. across from Cornhill to check out the frozen Genesee River. I was surprised to find a boat tied up in the icy body of water. Under the Ford St. bridge there were ice and debris chunks that will no doubt block up the BSB and Main st. bridge when they get there.

img_0103-a-boat-tied-up-on-the-frozen-genesee-river img_0104-a-frozen-river-leads-into-rochester img_0105-genesee-river-below-ford-st-bridge img_0106-ford-st-bridge

Upon returning to downtown I found Beauty under the southeast wing of TSB at 8:40am. A few minutes later after I got situated in the hole behind He’s Chinese again Beauty flew down to the deck by the main cam for a few seconds and then flew to Widows Walk coming to rest on the east side railing.

img_0110-preen-time img_0112-beauty-on-deck img_0114-beauty-on-widows-walk

I parked in the parking lot next to the TSB for a closer view and about 5 minutes later Beauty flew to the nest box. As I turned my head to watch her I saw DC fly in with her.

img_0118-beauty-leaves-to-meet-dc-at-nb img_0119-push-off-from-that-railing img_0120-in-flight img_0121-going-low-first<Beauty

I couldn’t see the nest box from where I was but Donna let me know that they were bowing. A few minutes later DC flew to the north side railing of Widows Walk and that’s where I ended my watch just before the 9 o’clock hour.


I left the city smiling after seeing all 3 Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

Click on the links below to see more pics in my album and some videos as well



3 Responses to “Morning watch 3-8-14”

  1. MAK Says:

    Thank you Crystal! 🙂

  2. OlRedHair Says:

    Yes, super blog! I really appreciate the daily Falcon Watches.

  3. MAK Says:

    Thanks for commenting Nora and you’re very welcome! 🙂

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