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Eyes to the Skies

St. Patricks Day morning watch 3-17-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Happy St. Patricks Day!

It was 9 degrees (F) -13 (C) when I left for my watch this morning!!! Calm winds with clouds and sun throughout its entirety

As I was at the traffic light at South Ave. and Broad St. I couldn’t help but the notice the full moon in the western sky.

img_0001-check-out-that-moon img_0002-moon-this-morning

At 7:18am as I was checking from the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) I spotted a falcon flying near Kodak Office (KO)-it flew around to the north side out of view and I didn’t see it come out on the other side. I checked around the whole building with no luck finding it.
15 minutes later as I was checking the east side from the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) I spotted Beauty on Bausch & Lomb (B&L)-she was on the west side on the southwest corner aka Archers’ corner. I took a pic and then started recording a video on which she pooped , stretched her wings and flew off after 20 seconds heading north.

img_0003-beauty-on-archers-corner-bl img_0004-beauty-on-bl-archers-corner

I made a u-turn to see where she went but she had already vanished behind buildings. My attention was diverted to city workers clearing the frozen, dirty snow banks that lined the sidewalks on the bridge-they were blowing it right into the river. Just imagine all the salt, garbage and who knows what was in those snow banks and now polluting the river and all the wildlife that uses it. OY!

img_0006-getting-rid-of-dirty-snow-banks-on-bsb img_0008-snow-blown-into-river-from-bsb

Anyways, I drove around the city a couple times but found no falcons so I went over to the Brighton Site (BS). Arriving there around 8:20am and finding Pigott on the west extension southwest corner with her back to me. There was nowhere else that I could get a better look at her so I just stayed put.


Larry came by on his way to work and soon after Pigott vocalized as she turned and started walking on the roof as Dot.Ca (DC) arrived and went into the cubby chirping up a storm.


Pigott joined him and the echupping began echoing quite loudly from the cubby lasting about a minute. DC then flew out only to return for a second round of chupping, chirping and I’m sure bowing. Can’t see in the cubby so we have to imagine what goes on in there. Perhaps some egg laying will occur in there this year.

img_0015-dc-exits-cubby img_0016-dc-leaving-cubby img_0017-dc-in-flight DC flying from cubby 1st round

img_0023-dc-leaving-cubby-again img_0024-dc-outta-there img_0025-dc-takes-same-route-from-cubby-2nd-time DC flies out from cubby after 2nd round

As you can see, DC takes the same route out of the cubby each time. Pigott came out and went to the northwest corner of the southwest extension above the cubby and DC went to the same southwest corner of the west extension she was on earlier.

img_0028-dc img_0029-dc <DC

Larry left and a minute later DC flew across to Miss Pigott who was whining and they mated in on the roof so that I could only see the right wing of DC flapping. He left flying northwest and Pigott remained with only her tail feathers hanging over the edge of the roof-she was whining in a hushed voice.


At 8:54am Pigott flew south and didn’t return. On my way back downtown I got tweets from Donna saying Beauty was at the nest box and from Pat saying DC was on the southeast wing ring of Times Square. Thanks for the assist ladies! So I arrived downtown in time to see the Beautyful one fly out from the nest box over to OCSR coming to rest on the top ibeam west corner. Then just as I looked up to the wing rings DC flew off and went to Beauty where he attempted and aborted a copulation.


DC flew to the nest box chirping but Beauty didn’t join him so he left and I have no idea what direction he went because I missed his exit. I ended my watch at 9:30am smiling after an action packed 2 1/2 hour watch where I saw all 3 Rochester Peregrine Falcons! πŸ™‚

Click on the links below to see a coupleΒ  videos



6 Responses to “St. Patricks Day morning watch 3-17-14”

  1. Beth Walters Says:

    It always makes me feel a little sick inside when I think of all the crap that gets dumped into the water. πŸ™
    Glad that you were able to see all 3 lovelies today and that DC is doing his part to ensure future generations. LOL!

  2. MAK Says:

    That’s right Beth-DC is a very busy falcon! And I really hate to think about how we are polluting our world! Thanks very much for your comment! πŸ™‚

  3. WLABarb Says:

    Thanks for your report, photos and videos, MAK! Wouldn’t it be something if Pigott had a family of her own? Beauty, Dot.ca and Pigott are all looking great. Dot.ca could very well be a busy guy this season.

  4. MAK Says:

    Barb, he’ll be a busy guy whether Pigott has a successful nest or not-he’s defending 2 territories! They are looking fantastic!!! πŸ™‚

  5. OlRedHair Says:

    Great report and pictures! Loved the green print. Thanks so much, MAK. Lots of excitement. DC sure is going to be busier and busier!

  6. MAK Says:

    Thanks Nora! DC was very busy again this morning-it won’t be long now for some egg laying! πŸ™‚

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