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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 6-2-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Hi folks! Just a brief word about last nights watch at KP. As CarolP stated in her report there wasn’t much action, mostly Unity just perching and holding on in the wind to her spot on the tall still,


I had gone there to show any watchers interested the last of Beauty and Archers’ last egg that I found on the sidewalk below Times Square last Saturday morning. The DEC wants it and so I will be dropping it off at their location in Avon this week.

This morning when I arrived downtown Beauty was on the southeast  ledge of the Times Square building one level above the nestbox.

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I watched the wind blow her feathers in her face for over an hour when she fixed her eyes on 2 little birdies hanging out around the nestbox. She took a shot at them and missed. The Beautyful one then flew up to the deck next to the main camera eventually going into the scrape. My camera battery quit on me so I only have the 4 pics today.

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As I was waiting for her to come back out of the nestbox DebbieH stopped by on her way to work and I also saw Kelly walk by on her way to work. Soon after I spotted Beauty flying above the Wilder building. No wing flapping involved for she was gliding gracefully on the strong winds and drifted over me on Aqueduct St. and then high above the OCSR  disappearing behind it. Everyone should have a chance to see a Peregrine Falcon on the wing! Have a great day! 🙂

7 Responses to “Morning watch 6-2-11”

  1. Kris G. Says:

    As I turned my Falcon calendar to June yesterday, the picture of the month was of Beauty and Archer flying together and what a gorgeous couple they are! So sad that Unity had to come into the mix. 🙁

  2. Braveheart2665 Says:

    I thought the June calendar photo was of Archer & Jemison but maybe I am wrong

  3. Kris G. Says:

    Braveheart-On the back of the calendar, you’ll see who’s in the pictures each month and June is Archer and Beauty taken by Jim Pisello.

  4. margaret Says:

    I loved May’s picture of little Jemison in the carrier. Think of what this year’s calendar can be!
    Archer, Beauty, Mr. T, Unity, Quest, Kendal, and all the grand-eyases!

  5. MAK Says:

    Good thing there’s 12 months in a year! 🙂

  6. Carol Says:

    Thanks Margaret! Although I do wish Jemison could have been somewhere besides in rehab. I “always” wonder what happened to Callidora and Jemison. Where they are now. Hope to hear about them someday raising eyases of their own.

  7. margaret Says:

    I also wonder about Jemison and Callidora, Carol. I believe they are out there somewhere, and we will hear of them. I always feel very privileged to have been down town last year when Callidora fledged!
    I have only been a “live” watcher 4 or 5 days, but that one day! Callidora fledged. I will not forget that. Keeping watch of the Wilder Building…I think that is where she was. The terror of not knowing, but then someone found her on the roof of the court building? Was that where she was? Have to bring up those archives from last June when Callidora and Jemison were fledglings!
    I also believe that Mariah and Kaver are out there somewhere.

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