Sunday Afternoon Falcon Watch – 3/30/14 – Another Snowy Day in Rochester (NY)
By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
Rochester woke up to about 8 inches of heavy, wet snow this morning. Isn’t spring grand! lol
I started my watch out at the BS location where I found the yellow taped/black over green banded juvie Peregrine Falcon on the south side vent. During my hour there, the juvie preened, slept, pooped and stretched. Dana and Lou joined me there.
The only other critters we saw out there were these snow geese, I mean Canada Geese. There were quite a few hanging out on the lawns around the building.
I left Dana, Lou and the juvie to go downtown to check on Beauty and Beauty was on the south side green stripe on the Wilder Bldg.
Aqueduct St aka the hole was filled with snow that had been plowed into large piles when they cleaned up the street and parking lot.
Beauty started to vocalize and crouch down with her tail up against the wall. flew in and attempted to copulate with her, but it was a near miss.
* landed on the south corner on the 2nd Ibeam from the top of the OCSR. Beauty took off and flew up to the lower southeast corner of the Times Square Bldg.
About a 1/2 hour later, took off and headed towards the Times Square Bldg. He flew up to Beauty and successfully copulated with her on the southeast corner. 🙂
Afterwards, did some victory laps around the nearby buildings before flying up into the nest box where Beauty joined him for some bowing and scraping. Thanks cam watcher NCA for letting me know that’s where they went.
First and then Beauty came out of the nest box. One landed on the top IBeam on OCSR. I did not see where the other one went.
It was time to end my watch. As I was leaving, there were a lot of fire trucks in front of the Cross Roads Bldg. Not sure what was going on.
Good night everyone! Just counting the days til Beauty lays her first egg!
March 30th, 2014 at 11:27 PM
Thank you so much Carol! 🙂
March 31st, 2014 at 7:02 AM
April 1st, 2014 at 6:17 AM
A brick wall as contraception?
April 1st, 2014 at 7:06 AM
Hahaha! Good one Alison! 🙂