rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch 6/3/11 (Evening) 6:30 – 8:45 pm – A Seafood Watch!

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.


It was a beautiful evening for a Falcon Watch. All Rochester Falcons accounted for and well. You can read my report at the above link. No sign on needed.

Carol P.

3 Responses to “Falcon Watch 6/3/11 (Evening) 6:30 – 8:45 pm – A Seafood Watch!”

  1. Lu Ann Says:

    Makes me cry Carol.

  2. margaret Says:

    Nice report, but made me cry too.

  3. Carol Says:

    Sorry gals. I have a good feeling that Mariah and Kaver are out there somewhere. 🙂

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