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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 5-4-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I stepped out to find it very breezy and overcast with a temperature of 47 degrees (F) 8 (C)

As I was getting dressed for the day I heard a falcon outside my window-I bolted over to look but I didn’t see anything. I watched Dot.Ca (DC) relieve Beauty of incubation duties right around 6am on Rfalconcams’  livestream video. As I was walking to my car to leave for my downtown watch I heard a falcon and when I looked up I saw the juvie falcon fly off the northeast corner of my building-Seneca Towers (ST). How cool is that!? Falcons before I even left home!!

It took me about 30 minutes before my first sighting of Beauty. As I was approaching Kodak Office I spotted her on the southeast corner of the launchpad. I pulled over near Platt Street and when I looked up again she was gone! I made my way back to the Times Square (TS) area where I found the Beautyful one on the top ibeam of OCSR near the south corner just before 7am.

Remember to click on my pics to see the full version

img_0002-beauty-looks-a-little-sleepy-eyed img_0010-hey-beautyful

I parked myself by the Radisson Hotel at Main St. to watch as she did some serious preening and looking around for the next 15 minutes. At 7:14am Beauty flew off the building heading straight for TSB but went right past it to the south and went into stoop formation before I lost her.

img_0011-take-off img_0012-thar-she-goes img_0013-off-to-never-never-land img_0014-only-the-shadow-knows< her shadow

I spent the next 20 minutes looking for Beauty and finally she showed up under the southeast wing of TSB. I went in front of the Blue Cross Arena on Exchange Blvd. to get the best look at her.

img_0025-beauty img_0026-beauty

Beauty was hanging on as the wind was trying to blow her off . She kept looking down at the nest box and I thought when she flew off at 7:42am that she would go to it but she fooled me and went back to OCSR again-top ieam southeast side.

img_0032-and-off-she-goes img_0033-b-bye-beauty

I parked back by the Radisson Hotel as Beauty looked around, took a short nap and just did Beauty things.

img_0040-wild-eyed img_0041-you-lookin-at-me img_0049-napping

Some stretching exercises were performed before she took off  for the nest box at 8:11am-I missed the take off but I managed to turn fast enough to get the flight up to the nest box.

img_0056-stretchin-out img_0060-stretching img_0066-hello-mak

img_0070-stealth-bomber-beauty-makes-the-approach img_0071-landing-gear-comes-down img_0072-puts-on-the-brakes img_0073-watch-out-dc-here-she-comes img_0074-and-we-touch-down

Beauty went right for the front of the box and DC came out almost immediately after incubating for over 2 hours-he flew over to OCSR and came to rest in almost the same spot that Beauty had vacated, on the top ibeam southeast side.

img_0079-the-switch img_0080-down-he-goes img_0091-there-he-is-whitey-heartman

DC did a lot of preening  before I left to check the Brighton site at 8:20am or so. Nothing to be found there-I will keep checking sporadically. When I returned to downtown DC was still on OCSR and still preening.

img_0093-dc-in-the-sun img_0101-preening

I stayed with him until 9am then called it a watch. Smiling-you bet! 🙂

Click on the links below to check Beauty,DC and the mighty Genesee!





2 Responses to “Morning watch 5-4-14”

  1. carla Says:

    Congrats with your new home and falcons.Thanks for your reports and pictures.I appreciate all you do to keep us informed .Greetings

  2. MAK Says:

    Greetings Carla-thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it! 🙂

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